Archive for the ‘Joe Alleva’ Category

Where’s Joe Alleva on the LSU Quarterback Flap?


Hiding under his desk, likely.

Louisiana State University (LSU) Athletic Director Joe Alleva’s track record of dealing with athletes and rowdy behavior is notoriously inconsistent.

Does anyone remember the Duke Lacrosse Case from the spring of 2006?

Here’s what’s happening at LSU right now.

Despite sexual assault, LSU recruited quarterback Mettenberger

LSU football coach Les Miles is not allowing the junior college transfer from Butler Community College in El Dorado, Kan., to be interviewed. LSU officials in admissions, at the women’s center and on the disciplinary review committee are either tight-lipped or silent about Mettenberger, the No. 1 junior college quarterback prospect in the nation who begins spring practice with the rest of the LSU football team on Friday as a sophomore.

Miles, who recruited Mettenberger when he was in high school, quickly began recruiting Mettenberger again last summer. Miles did so shortly after Mettenberger was kicked off the Georgia team in April 2010 after being charged in March in connection with the sexual battery of a woman in a bar in Remerton, Ga.

To be fair to Mettenberger, it appears that as tangles with the law go, it was a relatively minor transgression.

Mettenberger was arrested March 7, 2010, at Flip Flops bar in Remerton on charges of sexual battery after allegedly grabbing the breasts and buttocks of the woman. He was also charged with underage consumption of alcohol, disorderly conduct, obstruction and possession of fake identification and was jailed briefly at the Lowndes County Jail.

Contrast Alleva’s silence today with his moral outrage against demonstrably innocent men five years ago.

Joe Alleva fired Duke University’s lacrosse coach, Mike Pressler and cancelled the team’s season. Pressler’s book, “It’s Not About the Truth” describes what happened:

Alleva said the situation has gotten out of hand and they must cancel the season immediately, Pressler said. I was shocked. I responded by saying, “You promised the players to their faces there would be no more forfeitures of games unless charges were brought. What new happened? Joe, you told the players and the parents you believed their story, you believed in them, you believed that they were telling the truth. It’s all about the truth; we must stand for the truth.”

Alleva looked right at me and made the statement I’ll never forget as long as I live: “It’s not about the truth anymore,” he said. “It’s about the integrity of the university, it’s about the faculty, the city, the NAACP, the protesters, and the other interest groups.”

Herewith, correspondence from an athlete’s parent to K. C. Johnson – one the foremost chroniclers of events surrounding the lacrosse case – on more Alleva dealings in the case.

Durham-in-Wonderland – Comments and analysis about the Duke/Nifong case.

I was one of the 40 or 50 parents who were at that meeting that day. We were nervous for our sons, but we were also furious at Duke. That was the day we all realized that Duke was not on our side and was not going to do anything to protect its students. That was the day Brodhead turned his back on our sons.

When Duke forfeited that day’s game, Coach Pressler asked the parents who were in town for the game to meet with Athletic Director Alleva and Dean Wasiolek. The two of them told us that this game and the next had been forfeited as the team’s punishment for holding the party. Alleva said the “party was inconsistent with the values of Duke athletics and Duke University and is unacceptable.” He could not tell us when, or if ever, a Duke team had forfeited a game for disciplinary reasons. He could not explain why he had not forced all of the other Duke athletic teams, fraternities, and sororities which had held similar parties to forfeit their games or activities. And he refused to admit that his actions canceling the games just might make it look like Duke thought the team was guilty.

During the meeting, we pleaded with Alleva to amend his statement to say that Duke officials had met with the team captains, knew they were cooperating with the authorities, and believed they were innocent.

We are reliably told that strings were pulled at the highest levels to get Alleva out of Duke University and into a job where he wouldn’t be quizzed about the Duke Lacrosse Case any more.

Too bad for Alleva that we live here. We’ve been following the case since April of 2006 and will continue to until those who were involved in the attempted lynching are brought to justice.

Higher Ed Roundup – 2/24/11 – 2.o


Purcell approved as Commissioner of Higher Ed

Suit focuses on race and gender, not merger

Joe Alleva proposes contract for new OC Steve Kragthorpe

Deal worth $700,000 annually, 4 other contracts proposed

SUNO-UNO study lawsuit continues Thursday afternoon

Great News: Southern U. Students To Rally At Courthouse In Support Of SUNO Suit

Higher Ed Roundup – 11/26/10


Southern supervisors to meet before Classic

Activist bashes ed cuts

Officials should work together

Another AAUP letter requests extension of nonrenewal date

SU board expected to make decisions today

Higher Ed Roundup – 11/13/10


La. ranks low in passing college-level examinations

GSU, Tech freeze unfilled positions to meet midyear cuts

Schools prep for budget cuts effects of budget cuts

State’s higher-ed chiefs circle wagons on cuts

‘Forever LSU’ surpasses goal by $3 million

Our Views: LSU reaches a landmark

Higher Ed Roundup – 11/5/10


Stand against higher education cuts

Alleva defends stadium project

Higher Ed Roundup – 11/2/10


Here’s today’s crop of Higher Ed stories and columns. There’s still no discussion anywhere in Louisiana’s “real news media” about how to deflate the bloat in Louisiana’s higher education deadhead nests: The University of Louisiana System (ULS), the Board of Regents, the LSU Board of Supervisors and the Southern University System (SUS).

Cuts to Ed will harm our state

Students to meet with governor

National faculty group criticizes LSU layoffs

Letter: Gov. Jindal should do his job

The (Baton Rouge) Advocate/LSU Nexus


For a year and more we’ve tried to figure out what was the connection between Louisiana State University (LSU) and The (Baton Rouge) Advocate that caused that newspaper’s continual flacking for the state’s flagship university. There was yesterday in The Advocate the typical bleat for more taxes.

The chairman of the state Senate Education Committee suggested during a speech that state government should back off changing the “Stelly Tax Swap,” rather than continue to deeply cut higher education.

We thought perhaps it was a straightforward nepotism situation like that at The (Monroe) News-Star where the husband of that paper’s executive editor works at the University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM). See our earlier story on that issue here.

Kathy Spurlock, News-Star Exec Editor on Thin Ice?

It turns out the connection between The Advocate and LSU is much more incestuous and goes back many decades. And it was staring us right in the face all along.

The Manship Family

That connection is the Manship School of Mass Communications.

Who is the Manship family, what do they have to do with news reporting and what is their connection to LSU? See here a couple of articles to give you some background.

Manship Family History
Family Advocates

There is also this book, which coincidentally, we finished reading just last week:

The Manship School: A History of Journalism Education at LSU.

The Manship family owns The (Baton Rouge) Advocate and WBRZ-TV, the Baton Rouge ABC affiliate.

From the school’s website, there is this:

In appreciation for financial contributions of the Manship Family, owners of local media, the school was renamed the Manship School of Journalism in 1985. After the curriculum began offering sequences in advertising/public relations, broadcast, and journalism, the name was again changed – to the Manship School of Mass Communication.

LSU and News/Editorial Coverage

You see, it’s handy having a J-school right next door. There is a plenitude of students eager to do internships at the newspaper or TV station. For the students, it represents a chance to get real-world experience, class credits, and their foot in the door for perhaps their next job.

The Manships and their company get free labor.

This cozy setup has the most value of all to LSU: a daily working relationship with two of the most powerful media entities in the State of Louisiana.

What newspaper editor or TV news director – who likely graduated from the Manship school – could refuse a phone call from his friend over at LSU who wants a sympathetic ear to complain about that skinflint governor and those bastards in the legislature who want to “take money away from our kids.”

This arrangement is not illegal. News people can align themselves – or not align themselves – with whatever they choose. But it is not ethical and it damn sure isn’t independent journalism, at least when it comes to news/editorial coverage of higher education.

LSU, Money and Budgets – Where it Goes


Lincoln Parish News Online (LPNO) has reported extensively on the higher education situation in Louisiana. There’s lots of tax money involved and it’s a big part of the political debate in the state.

So this morning, there is this news story in The (Baton Rouge) Advocate.

LSU OKs sports raises

The same day LSU officials discussed gloom-and-doom budget and layoff scenarios, the LSU Board of Supervisors on Friday approved a bevy of pay raises, most within the athletic department.

The pay increases came amid talks on how to handle $133 million in possible systemwide cuts next year. They also signed off on increasing tuition by 10 percent on LSU campuses starting next month.

LSU Senior Associate Athletic Director Verge Ausberry got a 27 percent raise from $130,000 to $165,000 and fellow Senior Associate AD Mark Ewing went up from $155,000 to $172,000.

LSU Athletics is headed by the notorious Joe Alleva, infamous for his role in the Duke Lacrosse Frame.

From It’s Not About the Truth: The Untold Story of the Duke Lacrosse Case and the Lives it Shattered, By Don Yaeger, Mike Pressler

On April 5, 2006, about 3 weeks after the alleged rape of a woman at a lacrosse team party, Duke’s athletic director, Joe Alleva, called Pressler into his office. The story was gaining momentum in the national media, and pressure was mounting on the university to do something, anything.

“We’re thinking about canceling the rest of the season,” Alleva informed him.

“Let’s wait for the truth to come out,” Pressler responded. The players’ DNA test results were imminent.

“It’s not about the truth anymore, Mike,” Alleva said. it’s about the integrity of the university, it’s about the faculty, the city, the NAACP, the protesters and the other interest groups.”

Is Letten the new Nifong?


Is Jim Letten, the U. S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana the 2010 version of Mike Nifong? You will recall Mike Nifong is the former Durham, NC District Attorney who framed three innocent Duke University Lacrosse players and charged them with raping a local prostitute, Crystal Mangum. Nifong was later disbarred and spent a night in jail.

Extensive information on the Duke Lacrosse Frame can be found at Durham-in-Wonderland and Liestoppers.

So were James O’Keefe, Robert Flanagan, Joseph Basel and Stan Dai “Nifonged” by Letten?

From Fox News:

O’Keefe was “framed” by the media and the U.S. attorney’s office, Andrew Breitbart, publisher of, told Fox News.

“James O’Keefe sat in jail for 28 hours without access to an attorney, while the U.S. attorney leaked the information about his arrest, helping the media frame it as ‘Watergate Junior,'” Breitbart said.

This is the exact modus operandi used by Nifong: blab to the newspapers and TV stations who all lap it up without question. And then try and isolate your intended target from legal counsel. We saw it all in the Duke Lacrosse Frame.

And if anyone here in Louisiana wants first-hand information on what went on at Duke, just ask LSU Athletic Director Joe Alleva. He was in the big fat middle of it.

LSU Hired Hi-Powered Lawyer for NCAA Probe


LSU has retained a collegiate sports law specialist to assist in dealing with possible NCAA violations involving the football team. Michael S. Glazier, of Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC, is the founder of their Collegiate Sports Practice Group and is lead attorney for the group.

Jordan Blum has the story in today’s The (Baton Rouge) Advocate.

In the big, fat middle of everything is LSU’s controversial Athletic Director, Joe (“It’s not about the truth anymore”) Alleva.

Earlier posts at LPNO regarding Alleva can be found here and here.