Grambling May Shutter Lab Schools

Grambling leader outlines plan to address deficit

BY Elizabeth Crisp

Facing a more than $3 million deficit, Grambling University plans to increase faculty teaching loads while requiring furloughs, provide incentives for 15 faculty members to retire, and possibly even shutter the Grambling Laboratory Schools.

Interim President Cynthia Warrick announced the drastic measures to help cash-strapped Grambling regain sound financial footing during a meeting with faculty and staff on campus Thursday.

Warrick attributed much of the immediate problem to the university’s drastic decrease in enrollment this fall.

The university’s fall enrollment is 4,504 — down 11 percent from last year. Based on the tuition rate, Warrick estimated the university is out $3.7 million.

Warrick said she’s hopeful the state will step in and provide $762,000 for Grambling’s lab schools to stay open past May 2015.

“It will be up to the Legislature and the governor and the Louisiana Board of Education,” Warrick said. “I don’t think anyone’s going to do anything about it unless we tell them we’re going to close those laboratory schools.”

See here a video of Warrick’s comments.

4 Responses to “Grambling May Shutter Lab Schools”

  1. Vee Says:

    When has the school ever had a balanced budget?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    She says they want do anything till we tell them we are going to close the school. Thats all they won’t is more free money. Give me. Give me I say if you don’t have any money close the school

  3. TXL Says:

    What?! And Grambling Middle just got over an ‘F’ on their report card! Who would want to shut down a ‘D’ school? (sarc)

  4. Oldman Says:

    Need to shut it down if they can not handle the money the right way.They can do what ever with the money knowing that the tax payer will pick up the tab.This needs to stop now,it has went on too long,the taxpayer is broke.

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