Tuesday’s Jonesboro City Council

We were unable to attend the Noon Tuesday meeting of Jonesboro’s Board of Aldermen, but through the efforts of one of our correspondents who kindly took notes, we are able to provide this narrative.

Several questions were asked during the public comment section of the meeting. Asked why the Noon meeting time, District D’s Devin Flowers, who is also the Mayor Pro Tem, said that was a more convenient time for the other members, as it was a special called meeting.

Another question concerned the annual salary for the Fiscal Administrator, which is set at $125 thousand/year. The third issue concerned the advisability of raising water rates, considering that so many customers were not paying their bills.

Fiscal Adminstrator Ken Folden presented two proposed budgets, the amended budget for the fiscal year 7/1/13-6/30/14 just ending, and the proposed budget for 7/1/14-6/30/15 about to begin.

The two were turned down on a 1-2-1 vote. Voting yes was Flowers, with Alderman-at-large LaStevic Cottonham and District C’s Charla Mason-Melton voting no. District A’s Sam Lamkin abstained, as the budget contains monies allocated to the Jackson Parish Coroner’s Office, where he is a Deputy.

District B’s Renee Stringer was absent due to a work conflict.

Folden said the budgets included money to hire another police officer, and money to operate the animal control facility.

He said the two budgets would be submitted to the Attorney General’s Office for their review and approval.

221 Responses to “Tuesday’s Jonesboro City Council”

  1. sunrisesunset Says:

    Raising rates to offset those that DO NOT pay their bills. Pretty absurd!!!! Why do these people get away with NOT paying their bill? If I did not pay by water bill, you can rest assured MY water would be CUT OFF until it was brought up to date by payment of same. What a shame to make paying customers pay for the sins of omission of some sorry jokers and low-life.

  2. Oldman Says:

    These people that do not their water bills are more than likely on all the other govt.intitlements. They have gotten use not having to pay their everyday bills they think the govt. ought to pay tier water bills also.There are very few people that couldn’t pay the rent,lights,gas and water if they wanted to or if the govt.didn’t pay it for them.And I didn’t even put the food in there so let the govt. Help with the food bill also.
    By the time they buy beer,cigs,eat out four or five times a week,pay notes on a junk car with $4,000.00 tires and rims,gasoline to ride around with,a $2000.00 for some old loud radio cause everybody else has one,$300.00 shoes,best of clothes to wear. Heck I couldn’t pay the water bill myself,but I don’t buy all that junk and I pay my water bills when it comes due.
    Its not going to get any better until they are forced to pay their bills like everybody else. If you don’t pay your bills cut it off until you do,I’ll bet it will not be long before all your bills are up to date. People need for their own good to get off all govt.programs and learn how to take care of themselves,govt.help will not always be here,so you need to learn how,now.
    We have some of the most lazy no-good bums in the world,really if some had to work or starve I think most would starve.One way to empty the jails would be to make the people work to pay their way while in jail. No work ,no eating at least 10 hrs a day hard labor,I’ll bet in a year the jails would be all most empty,what do you think?
    Good nite,oldman

    • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

      A very illogical answer that offers no solution to the problem. Oldman, I am not going to say a word a your response except to ask: DID FOREST GUMP help you put it together? If you don’t know the solution, then you are part of the problem. Unless you have something useful to submit, keep quiet and your ignorance won’t show up so bad.

    • Anonymous Says:

      I just wasted part of my life. Reading your comments are almost as much torture as reading Blanche`s rants in the J.I.

  3. Donald Marion Fowler Says:

    You look at the records at Town Hall and see who is not paying their water bill. When the list is compiled, CUT OFF THEIR FREALKING WATER. No ifs ands or buts. Cut it off immediately. No notice!!! That should bring about a rush to Town Hall to see what the problem is. At that time tell them how many months (years) they are in arrears and tell them that when that is paid, THE WATER WILL BE TURNED BACK ON; not before and certainly not on a promise that “I will get the check in the mail.” PAYMENT AT THAT TIME OR NO WATER. I know that not all people who are late with their payments will show up and in that case THEIR WATER REMAINS OFF UNTIL THEY DO.

    To raise the rate on citizens who pay on time is something FOREST GUMP might do. Raise the rate and you will see lawsuit after lawsuit brought by honest citizens. New homes that have been built and it is found that they are not paying for their water – TURN THEIR FREAKING WATER OFF until the payment situation has been solved.

    Same goes for gas and electricity.

    If someone comes up with a partial payment, take it, give them a receipt and tell them their water will be turned back on when the remainder of the owed money is paid.

    Town Council seems to recognize this problem; it is up to them to correct. Don’t be afraid that you constituents will get mad – they are already made at the lousy job you have been doing and for letting the town slip into such a quagmire. If they don’t realize that they are going to be voted out of office, tell them. If they aren’t voted out of office – shame on you citizens.

    That’s my opinion. Let’s hear yours

    • Anonymous Says:

      Donald,what about the poor people who won’t have water to drink and the poor little babies,what are they supposed to do.
      You have always thrown down on me when I said something about making the poor people work or do without,did you not? Is it different when you say it? What are these poor people going to do ,they have already spent their govt.check on whiskey,beer cigs and drugs,what are they going to do,do you want them and their babies to do without water?
      Is this the way Liberal,Socialist,Democrats operate? Why don’t you take part of one of your govt.checks and pay the water bill for them? I bet you are going to say (not with my govt.check let them get their own govt.check to pay for it)I bet you are not going to pay for their water bill with (your)money are you not?
      Let the poor do without water is that what you want? Please let us hear your answer to this problem as you are the one who says we cannot mistreat lazy people who cannot handle money or just will not work at all. You are the one with all the education,got a big paid for home,been all over the world and had all these easy jobs so what’s the answer big boy it’s in your court now. Do we pay for it or do they do without? By the way the U.N.says that water is a god given right and water should be free,nothings not free. Read Agenda 21 and see where we are headed,do you want this for your granddaughters and great grand kids,please answer.

      • Anonymous Says:

        I bet he call’s you a conspiracy nut, with a tin foil hat, just for even bringing up U.N. Agenda 21 !

      • Oldman Says:

        I signed this one wrong,it should have been signed oldman. I,the Oldman signed the post at7:10. 6/28/14 anonymous and that was wrong supposed to be signed Oldman

      • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

        I have bills enough of my own. Someone who shuns his responsibility is responsible for his own predicament. Tell you what: I will pay the smallest due bill if you will pay the largest. Deal? I have told you time and time again that I am not a socialist of any sort. You need to stick one finger in your left ear so that information spoken into your right ear will not just pass through your head. The United Nations does not make laws for the United States. Agenda 21, signed in 1992 by George W. Bushit is non-binding because it was not a treaty subject to Senate approval. Get that NON-BINDING!!! Your note, like all the others that you have produced is nothing but Chicken Little shit. They make no sense at all. I am not against poor people for I am one myself and all who incur debts are responsible for paying for them. Read my 7:10 of the 26th (I believe) for the solution to the water problem in Jonesboro. I also might add that each person not paying on time should be given a water collection barrel for when it rains. Adiios, Space Between the Ears!

      • dmfoaonrwailloednr Says:

        I seem to remember (I may be mistaken which would be rare) back in the late 1940s and early 1950s where water was free in Hodge where I grew up. Now, as I said earlier I just might be wrong and the price was 2-5 dollars a month. If there is someone out there (please not the Oldman) who could rifle through old bills their grandparents might have kept, we could get a correct answer for this. I still think that it was free until the early 1950s. There were certainly no water meters on the property. In 1948 I remember the state legislature passed a bill granting anyone over the age of 60 a pension of $35 per month. I remember how much that meant to my paternal grandparents. I wonder if the Oldman’s grandparents turned it down because it was a government entitlement. Mine didn’t and were thankful to get it. They had lived through the Great Depression and World War II and during that war had two sons that served and one was shot down and captured by the Japanese. There was also a nephew of theirs that parachuted into Sicily and was captured by the Germans and held as a prisoner of war. Here’s hoping that this note winds up where I intended for it to go. After anonymous 06/28/2014 7:10 (which we all know is OLDMAN HIMSELF FOR HE LATER ON TELLS US THAT THE SIGNED THE WRONG NAME. IDIOT!

    • sunrisesunset Says:

      Donald, sometime I think you and I are the only ones on this site that have any “common sense”. I agree with your assessment of the unpaid water bill situation. I know these people can pay their water bill. In the first place, usually water bills are not that much per month. Problem is, they know they can get away with it. And, they do! Bet they BUY anything else their little hearts desire.

      • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

        I will give you credit for common sense for you don’t get drawn into a lot of these discussion. Oldman, who wants everyone drawing some kind of entitlement from the government to be cut off immediately, but regarding the water issue in Jonesboro he seems to be defending the poor and objects to cutting their water off. Convince me that he has a brain, please. Good evening to you and may the rest of your day be pleasant loving. dmf

        • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

          should have been “and” between pleasant and loving. dmf

          • sunrisesunset Says:

            Thanks, Donald. I try to make each day a pleasant one! I am not one to be drawn into anything that I deem unpleasant; however, I do read just about 100% of the comments. I choose only to comment where I see there is someone that shares some of the same ideas as I.

            Hope you are having good days with your illness.

  4. Oldman Says:

    Donald what are the grounds for a lawsuit for nonpayment of water.If I’m right you have to go thru the Public Service Commisson to get a raise in water rates for a public water supply.Then it’s all legal when the Public Service Commisson ok’s the rate increase. The rate increase will cover everybody that’s on the water system,old and new customers.The increase will go into effect the first of the next billing cycle. I guess I don’t understand what you are talking about with the lawsuit.
    But you know it’s hard to understand what a Democrat is talking about more so a liberal democrat.
    The council are the ones that should be sued for not enforcing the water rates and the water turn ons and water turn offs for non payment

    • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

      I will type slowly so that you will understand what I was saying. If the raise in water rates is made just to off set what they can not collect from all of those who are delinquent, some customers could be so pissed that they could bring a law suit against the board or whomever does the raising. Why experience a rate increase when nothing is being done to solve the problem of users who do not pay. Even a dumb ass repugnicant like you should understand that if someone ain’t paying at the lower rate, they won’t be paying at the higher rate so the only ones suffering from the rate increase will be the citizens who pay their bills regularly and who could be mad enough to bring a suit. Is that clear enough, Cloudy Brain. A rate increase will hurt the loyal citizen who always pays and why should they be tasked to make up for what the scumbags don’t pay.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    In Obama’s America, If you can’t pay your water bill, You can always contact the U.N. ! They seem to think free water should be a Right…..http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/north-america/item/18574-un-human-rights-bureaucrats-demand-global-law-for-detroit

  6. Anonymous Says:

    I know you live out of town Don. Not sure about the others. But if you attend the meetings in person you might understand better what is going on. They are indeed cutting water off to those who don’t pay after the 30 day or so grace period. A cutoff fee is then added to the bill in order to have it turned back on. I believe the comment was primarily aimed at the issue of people having trouble paying their bills already and the added fee might make matters worse. I do agree the rates need to be raised in order to proceed with much needed infrastructure improvements to the water supply in our town. Hope this adds a little clarity to this blog.

    • John Boy Says:

      Thanks,that did add clarity to the idea of raising rates because of nonpayment,the rate increase will be for operation and improvements to the water system.
      How long has it been since we have had a rate increase? If I remember right it has been quite a few years since a rate increase and the price of materials and labor have gone up.
      I know for a fact some of the small local water systems have a flat rate for the first2000 gals for $25.00 and $2.00 or $3.00 per 1000 gals after that. So a water bill using 5000 gals water would be $34.00,that would be enough to bring the system up to where it’s supposed to be with extra for emergencies that might arise.
      Remember one thing,water is not free by a long shot,it has never sold for what it’s worth.

    • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

      I do live out of town but when I visit, and there is a town council meeting scheduled, I make an effort to attend. I have attended two where Saint Les Lie presided and a recent regularly scheduled meeting that had been scheduled for an earlier date (I don’t remember the date but I was in Jonesboro from 6 Jun to 16 Jun). I was the old long haired, bearded guy who sat in the back and was wearing Wal Mart fatigues. My comments have been directed to the paragraph that talked about raising rates due to the large number of people who are paying. A justified raise I would never speak out against. To me it seemed rather stupid to make up shortages with a raise. Go after the money from those not paying is my thought. Thank you for a very logical answer.

    • fact checker Says:

      If you had attended the meeting where this was discussed, you would know that no they weren’t and possibly still aren’t cutting water off after the cut-off date of the 25th of the month. Mr Folden said he hated to turn water off on anyone. Yet, they were still charging a reconnect fee when in fact they hadn’t even disconnected someone. The reconnect fee has been an issue for some who were never disconnected; but, had to pay a “reconnection” fee.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    i just like how SAM wont step up and vote, get off the fence…

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Im just thinking,it seems as soon as John Boy came on here that Donald Marion Fowler has less to say.I’m just thinking,that sounds like a good thing,am I right? Is it because JB is a whole lot smarter,he sounds like he is.He just might know something on DMF,and again he sounds like he does.I’m just thinking.DMF do you have any ideas why JB sounds smarter than you? I’m just thinking.

    • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

      He isn’t smarter than I and never will be. He’s attempted to bully me but that hasn’t worked because I recognize him for the asshole that he is. I speak when I think something needs to be said and only then; no one has frightened me in to holding my tongue. He knows nothing about me, has nothing on me (except his stupidity), and I have said to him before – PISS OFF LITTLE BOY and let the intelligent of the world do the talking. Ten-year-olds need to be seen, not heard.

    • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

      Had to verify the number of comments made by myself and John Boy the Magnificent. The score is FOWLER 50 and JB 7 in the two articles about Jonesboro so you view that I am speaking less because of JB, doesn’t hold water. I will continue to speak out on things that I find interesting. I ignore of lot of the anonymous idiots.

    • Anonymous Says:

      The reason that John Boy is smarter than Donald Marion Fowler is directly related to the education JB got ! He wasn’t indoctrinated in the Communist Manifesto like DMF ! You know , my Daddy always told me , son if you play with shit, sooner or later, you will get it on you !

      • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

        Oh, stupid one: you forgot the two classes that I had on Adolph Hitler while attending the University of Maryland, Mannheim, Federal Republic of Germany in in 1973. If you are ever in need of a conspiracy, read “Mein Kampft” by Mr. Hitler and see how he planned to take over the world. I find most of these comments laughable. To think that grown men and women fall for this stuff. And then I think of Oldman, gullible old Oldman who thinks that a fart is new idea.

        • Oldman Says:

          I don’t think you learned much from Hitler,not that you didn’t try.The one thing you have in common with Hitler is that both of you thought your shit didn’t stink and you still think that way.
          You said something awhile ago about something I had copyied and that I didn’t write it,well smart butt hole just what makes you think I didn’t?
          If smart ass people like you quit acting like you knew it all and only acted with you knew you were 100% right,you would quit talking so much and worrying us people that do know so much,

          • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

            Assface, you didn’t write it. Too many words that are beyone your comprehension. You did provide me with some laughter with that “in my youth” statement.. Can you name all the countries that you have visited? You copied that statement so why not just admit it? You’re not that smart, Homer. In your statement above you admit to copying it. I quote: “You said something awhile ago about something I had copyied (sic) and that I didn’t write it.” THE PROSECUTION RESTS.

  9. Anonymous Says:

    More waste iof our tax dollars. The town fire department vehicle ( Tahoe ) is at the sports complex in Weston

    • Anonymous Says:

      Does it have the proper decal on the vehicle?

    • sunrisesunset Says:

      Is he using the vehicle for his own personal use?
      The town fire dept. vehicle has no business being at a recreational venue.

    • Anonymous Says:

      It is no difference than the ambulance director using the ambulance district vehicle (truck) during the week for his personal business and taking it home (Jena) every night.

  10. Oldman Says:

    dmf,you haven’t put an answer to my post of 7:10 today yet.I really want to know as the poor are wanting for a drink of water because of them not able to pay water bill.
    You need to go ahead and report this to the U.N. As soon as possible.I believe with your socialist ways and being a obuma fan they will go ahead and speed things up. The poor need the water now.

    • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

      Oldman, where is your 7:10 of today? Did you type it in invisible ink? The only 7:10 post is my of the 26th and I was not advocating for free water; I was advocating that those who don’t pay get cut off until they do. You are a pathetic little creature that was allowed by God age until 71 but your brain never passed the 8th grade level.

      • Oldman Says:

        dmf you are blind or you don’t want to read my post.I signed it wrong,I signed at 7:10 today as anonymous ,that was wrong,I came back and signed Oldman at 9:01 today and that was right.It should have been Oldman at 7:10 today.
        Now will your dumb little pea stupid brain see this. If not I’ll see if Cowboy might come and help you out as he is a 1000 times smarter than you,ok.I have never seen him but listening to him talk he seems pretty smart and pretty well up on everything.I don’t know but he might be a teacher like you to,he sounds like a good teacher might sound.

    • Oldman Says:

      Another one of dmf’s liberal socialist democrat pea brained buddies,what a shame,now there’s two in town.you all need to listen to fox news and get away from CBS,NBC,and the rest of the govt.run news stations.Fox news tells you the truth wether you like or not,it’s not govt.run like the others.It takes nearly four months of withdrawal before you can begin to see the truth and then you will be able to see who is really running America .Then you will able to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Watch fox news for two weeks and then it will be hard to pull you away as you finally see the truth. Good nite all

      • Oldman (with onlly two brain cells) Says:

        The only reason for listening to fixed news is that your channel changer got stuck on that channel and you are trying to look up the skirts of the blond bimbos that fox tries to pawn off as newscasters. I will not be commenting any more about the water issue. I presented a solution and you idiots can not understand it. One last comment, Oldman you are so god dammed dumb you screw up your own sign in. That’s laughalble

      • Anonymous Says:

        hee haw, hee haw, hee haw yappity yap yap listen up folks hee haw hee haw

  11. Oldman Says:

    John Boy the man,we might as well leave dmf along,when he gets thru pouting and thinks he has the upper hand he will be back. I bet he is off somewhere reading and catching up on the Agenda 21 and trying to somehow get free water to all the sorry poor folks.Socialist folks have a right to everything we worked for while they sat on their butts and done nothing. Oldman

    • Anonymous Says:

      He’s reading Huffington post, to try and debunk U.N. Agenda 21 !

      • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

        I don’t have to debunk it. It was a non-binding agreement signed by 178 world leaders, including George W. Bushit in 1992. The key word is NON-BINDING. It wasn’t a treaty by any stretch of the imagination.

        • Anonymous Says:

          Wrong Donald, It was George H.W. Bush , not George W. Bush. The part you missed was Bill Clinton, with Al Gore standing at his side, signed it by executive order in 1993! http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=61547 Currently over 700 cities in the U.S. are implementing the plan under the code word “sustainability” . I don’t know, but I bet San Antonio has adapted this. In Ruston, the ordinance was passed by the city council, and Mayor Dan Hollingsworth . It is Ruston 21. The long term goal for this plan is to eliminate private property, redistribute wealth, lower the standard of living, pack all people in Higher density dwellings, eliminate automobile use. You will be forced to walk, or ride a bicycle everywhere you go. All you have to do, is read the Agenda, and you will see. Don’t take my word for it. Personally, I don’t have a problem with people living like that, as long as it is their choice. Don’t force it on me . Even some Liberal Democrats are fighting this! So don’t tell me that Non- Binding is the key word, cause they are zoning by this plan, all across America, and the World !

          • Anonymous Says:

            Here is the Ruston 21 site……http://www.ruston.org/Ruston21/

            • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

              I just finished reading the entire document. Now tell me the evils of it.,

              • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

                This was meant to be under Ruston 21.

              • Anonymous Says:

                You haven’t had time to read the entire document ! It is pretty big, but if you take the time, you will see the same jargon of agenda 21 !

                • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

                  I read it word for word. I don’t have to use my finger to point out each word. It’s a plan for the city to improve itself. Nothing more. Take reading lessons and you might increase your speed.

                  • Anonymous Says:

                    I’m so glad that you clarified that for me ! I Honestly don’t know how I have made it so long in this life, without having you point out my misunderstanding s !

                  • sunrisesunset Says:

                    And, may I add, Donald, the improvements in Ruston have already started. Downtown looks great. All streets are overlayed, landscaping is done. A great face-lift. Just as you said, I do think Ruston Agenda 21 is to enhance the city. Nothing more, nothing less.

                    • FrederickRudolphFudpucker, esq. Says:

                      High density living to me means apartment buildings, maybe even multi-floor apartment buildings. Areas where automobiles will not be allowed doesn’t mean they are going to take our automobiles away. We have a large area here in SA where there are no automobiles allowed. You will never convince the conspiracy theorist in Jonesboro just what Ruston is doing. It wouldn’t hurt to do the same thing in Jonesboro. Make the place look nice instead of a junk pile.

                    • Anonymous Says:

                      Again, I have no problem with people living like that, as long as it is their choice. They probably won’t take car’s away, most people just won’t have the money to own one !

                    • Anonymous Says:


                    • Anonymous Says:


                    • FrederickRudolphFudpucker, esq. Says:

                      FrederickRudolphFudpucker, esq. Says:

                      07/04/2014 at 8:59 am | Reply

                      You’re a nucking fut. People with plans to clean up their towns and cities in an admirable thing for them to do. There are no conspiracies involved. At the rate San Antonio is growing (7th largest city in the USA) a plan is needed for growth. When I first lived here (1961) the population was just about 250,000 and today it is over 1.3 million. Don’t you think our leaders have recognized a need to plan for the future? Like I said, you are a nucking fut.

                    • Holder for mayor Says:

                      Dumb do do,how many times are you going to repeat this post? You had better put that gin bottle down,or before you know it you will be telling people how smart you are. By the way I need to know just how smart is a dumb do do dmf,by the way dmf fits you to a tee.
                      I bet Louisiana would not let the Feds run over us,Texas is scared stupid of the Feds and would do or give them anything they wanted. O well we don’t have any true cowboys anymore,John Wayne is dead,steers are long gone so that leaves nothing but queers.Mexico is just waiting to take over Texas as there are no true men left in Texas. see ya ,dmfqueer

                    • Holder for mayor Says:

                      Oldman quit talking bad about Texas,people will know you are from la. Also I’ll drink as much gin as I want it is none of your freaking business,are you buying it ? Shut your stupid but hole your farts do smell good. I hope Renee wins then we will have a good looking white girl in the mayors chair.I need more gin,as I’m a little bit drunk now,a half gallion a day but I don’t have to worry the cost,let you dumb ass tax payers foot the bill,I’ve worked for it

                    • Anonymous Says:

                      I guess the old dead mule has been kicked enough. See you all next time for a fresh start on the same old dead mule.

                    • DennisMormonFuller Says:

                    • Oldman Says:

                      I’d know you anywhere dmf,have a good day

                    • Anonymous Says:

                      Wow, It’s Donald Marion Fowler , Bray on @$$ !!!!!!!!

                    • Anonymous Says:

                      It`s not that hot outside boys. Go outside and play and quit arguing.

                    • Oldman,the only one Says:

                      dmf,better lay off the gin,have not heard from you in awhile.You are going to spend your self silly and then you will have to get on welfare.Not that you would have any trouble getting your welfare started,you being a card carrying Democrat and a supporter of President obuma. Just kidding,I really didn’t mean but about half of what I just said.
                      Have a good nite dmf.

                    • Anonymous Says:


                    • FrederickRudolphFudpucker, esq. Says:

                      You’re a nucking fut. People with plans to clean up their towns and cities in an admirable thing for them to do. There are no conspiracies involved. At the rate San Antonio is growing (7th largest city in the USA) a plan is needed for growth. When I first lived here (1961) the population was just about 250,000 and today it is over 1.3 million. Don’t you think our leaders have recognized a need to plan for the future? Like I said, you are a nucking fut.

                    • FrederickRudolphFudpucker, esq. Says:

                      FrederickRudolphFudpucker, esq. Says:

                      07/04/2014 at 8:59 am | Reply

                      You’re a nucking fut. People with plans to clean up their towns and cities in an admirable thing for them to do. There are no conspiracies involved. At the rate San Antonio is growing (7th largest city in the USA) a plan is needed for growth. When I first lived here (1961) the population was just about 250,000 and today it is over 1.3 million. Don’t you think our leaders have recognized a need to plan for the future? Like I said, you are a nucking fut.

                    • FrederickRudolphFudpucker, esq. Says:

                      You are a nucking fut.

                    • FrederickRudolphFudpucker, esq. Says:

                      The people of SA are far-seeing enough to have a plan for improvements. That you wouldn’t understand for you are a nucking fut.

                    • FrederickRudolphFudpucker, esq. Says:

                      Nucking futs unite!

                    • Anonymous Says:

                      Enhance the city like in San Antonio tx. All with your tax dollars. Ever heard Cloward and Piven ? Just remember how nice it looks when you can’t afford to live comfy in the near future . Check this out ….http://www.sa2020.org/causes/Neighborhoods/

              • Anonymous Says:

                You have to open this to find the goodies….Click here to download the Ruston 21 Comprehensive Plan (11 MB)
                it’s on the front page, you will see it !

          • Anonymous Says:

            Here is proof that Democrats are fighting this….http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/

            • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

              Sounds like something Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity would write.

              • Anonymous Says:

                Sean Hannity hasn’t talked about it ( that I know of) but I question him sometimes , because he promotes some establishment Republicans that I think are going along with it !

          • Oldman Says:

            dmf,why has there not any remarks on post 9:22am today? Don’t tell me I went over your ability to remark to this post,with your smarter than you attitude.

            • dmfoaonrwailloednr Says:

              It went above you writing ability and as is very evident you copied it from some source. It’s way above your level, Pismire 1.

              . Today’s questions: What has become of the court docket the infamous simmons woman? Is there anyone in Jackson Parish that believes the DA had nothing to do with it? Is there anyone there in Jackson Parish that believes that the DA didn’t get a little green under the table to hold the docket? You people have to remember that she was charged with perjury and to my knowledge, those charges haven’t been dropped; just a court docket that is missing.

              Have anymore charges been added to the council member in whose home the rape occurred. Providing a place for the party and serving liquor sounds like facilitation to me

              What words of wisdom has Blanchie girl written lately. You usually have something to say about her. Answer some questions sometimes and quit waiting for someone to fart in your ear with a lame-brained idea.

          • Oldman Says:

            You have got to be wrong,the Donald is never wrong,they might wrote the book wrong but the Donald wrong, never .Ask him he’ll tell you how smart he is. He is one more smart ass,one more smart ass know it all.

            • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

              Talk about dumb ass morons. You take the cake. You win fist prize. Don’t you feel bad about quitting school in the 9th grade? Don’t you think that you may have missed something> You are just a dumb ass moron.

            • Anonymous Says:

              I agree !

          • Donald Maron Fowler Says:

            Please be so kind as to point the specific parts of Ruston 21 that “eliminate private property, redistribute wealth, lower the standard of living, pack all people in higher density dwellings, eliminate automobile use.” Provide page numbers and I will find the topic. You can’t and most likely this request of mine will be ignored and probably deleted. Thank you for your warning.

            • Anonymous Says:

              Page 85…… As a result,
              many proposals are open to subjective evaluation. All parties recognize that regulations need to be clarified and that successful high density residential development will be critical to the implementation of Ruston 21 goals.

          • Donald Maron Fowler Says:

            Still would like to know when all of the (eliminate private property, redistribute wealth, lower the standard of living, pack all people in higher density dwellings, and eliminate automobile use) bad things are going to happen. Ruston 21 certainly does not lay out plans for this or if it does, please be so kind as to cite chapter and page so that I can read it.

            Now I have had a lot of trouble posting where I aimed. There ain’t no telling where this might end up so I will reference it [anonymous says at 06/2014/6:38 pm]. Awaiting an answer.

            • Anonymous Says:

              Well, I’m glad you asked, DMF. Here is the document…http://www.ruston.org/upload/images/Ruston21_Report_4-19-11.pdf…. Go to page 211 , for some talk about Higher Density . But also go to page 171 , Look at Extra- Territorial Jurisdiction comment, I say it’s bad enough in the city, but I don’t want them to start zoning the parish! Page 187, Concerning Education, “the more educated and economically able simply respond by sending their children to private schools or by not moving to /living in those communities.” WHAT !!!!!! Where I choose to live or send my kids to school is my damn business !!!!!! And I am all for Parental involvement, That’s the problem with education today. You have parents with an entitlement mentality, and they pass it to the kids ! Just throw more money at education, is all this crap is ! And we fund Education more now than any time in history !

              • Donald Maron Fowler Says:

                Lincoln Parish is already zoned. They are called police jury districts. Which do you live in? What will the new districts be called – communes? And will each district have a political commissar to oversee things? Each morning when I awake, I thank my Lord and Savior for granting me another day then I tell myself to stay off the Lincoln Parish blog but I can not resisting going there to see what the idiots and bigots have posted. Nothing like starting one’s day with a bit of laughter. That Oldman is a hoot. He needs to be on TV along with the Duck Dynasty dysfunctional group. Makes Louisiana look that the place all the nuts congregate.,

              • Anonymous Says:

                This story is a prime example of the waste and fraud that can happen when you don’t keep an eye on some administrators…….http://eagnews.org/missouri-superintendent-dubbed-the-candy-man-for-270000-in-unauthorized-bonuses/

    • James Bond Says:

      along should be “alone”

      done nothing should be “did nothing”

  12. Donald Marion Fowler Says:

    Show me Oldman’s 7:10 post of today and I will reply to it. Right now it is not visible. As for the steers and queers there is an old saying – takes one to know one.

  13. Donald Marion Fowler Says:

    The only reason for listening to fixed news is that your channel changer got stuck on that channel and you are trying to look up the skirts of the blond bimbos that fox tries to pawn off as newscasters. I will not be commenting any more about the water issue. I presented a solution and you idiots can not understand it. One last comment, Oldman you are so god dammed dumb you screw up your own sign in. That’s laughalble!

  14. Anonymous Says:

    Yes it had the decal on the vehicle and yes it was personal use. I can’t believe Renee is not following him around taking pictures of him like she did the Fire Chief before this one.

    • Anonymous Says:

      Yep, what a one-woman circus she has always been. By the way, she had a work conflict? She has a job?

  15. Donald Marion Fowler Says:

    read this

    Both the Republican and Democratic party are run by the same globalists.

    Americans were led to believe they must compete in and international economy. Then the words were switched to global. Let’s define:

    International Economy means that sovereign nations trade together. Each nation respects the laws of the other nation.

    Global Economy means there are no nations. Everyone lives in sustainable developments surrounded by wildlands (blueways/greenways corridors) connected by corridors off limits to humans. (not the globalists, just average people).

    Legislators from both parties attend the globalist progressive funded Aspen Institute. If you think you Democrat or Republican says things you don’t understand, check to see if they graduated from the Aspen Institute. You will find they learn to restrict your freedom –
    â—¾Pam Bondi in Fl comes to mind. Will Weatherford, Debbie Wasserman Shultz

    Look for them to support all big government programs

  16. Anonymous Says:

    Donald, they are using Government Grants to pay for all of the improvements inside these cities, while letting our rural roads (not interstate highways) go down. That’s why the mayor and council members go along with it. Bicycle paths, side walks, burying power lines, among a few things, but they can’t fully fund our VA Hospitals.

    • Oldman Says:

      Agenda 21

    • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

      Rural (or state roads) are a state responsibility. Look at the gas pump and you will see a state gas tax which is for that purpose but then you conspiracy freakos probably can’t understand that.

  17. Anonymous Says:


  18. Anonymous Says:


  19. Donald Marion Fowler Says:

    For all of you conspiracy nuts that have not had the opportunity to read the bible of veracity (News Before It’s News) here is the top story:

    Scary Proof Something’s About To Happen

    Sunday, June 29, 2014 5:41
    Before It’s News)

    The newly released video report below from Jason A provides us with all the proof we need that something huge is about to happen. The compilation video puts together events of the last few weeks that PROVE our country has been overthrown and something evil waits on the horizon for us, waiting to be fully unleashed upon us.

    Citizens of the town of Jonesboro, RUN FOR THE HILLS TO SAVE YOUR ASSES!!!!

    This is the news source that Oldman used to tell us about Martians who had landed on our planet (and showed a young man with a back pack and a lady doing her washing). If Chicken Little believe it, it must be true. OH, MY GOD! WHAT AM I TO DO?

  20. Oldman Says:

    “I am for doing good to the poor,but I differ in opinion of the means.
    I think the best way of doing good to the poor,is not making easy in poverty,but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I travelled much and I observed in different countries that the more public provisions were made for the poor,the less they provided for themselves ,and of course became poorer. And on the contrary ,the less was done for them,the more they did for themselves ,and became richer”

    Amen,Amen. Oldman

    • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

      It looks as though you copied something that you read somewhere. I really liked the part where you said “in my youth I travelled much and I observed in different countries. . . . ” Pray tell what countries that you visited. I have been to more than 70 and in most of them they take care of the poor (free health, dental, etc.) and a lot of the poor rise from their place of poverty. Actually in some of the countries the free health and dental are for everyone. I guess you would call that a socialist state and in some cases you would be right My concern for the poor here in the United State is that they don’t lose their government entitlements and you are for taking them away and saying they will then go to work or die (15% will die is your number). I might (and the word is might) be leaving on a cruise in the Caribbean in the near future. One of our adventures will be to WALK UP THE WATERFALL ON THE OCHOS RIO. Have you ever done that in your world travels? What gave it away that this was not a not composed by you was “in my youth” and “I observed” and “provisions.” You would have said “when I was young” and “I seen” and “stuff”. Nice try, moron. but that paragraph was not written by you. Now I must warn you that there ain’t no telling where this post will wind up. I clicked reply under your name but so far this morning, nothing has gone where I wanted it to.

    • Oldman Says:

      If you think I copied this from somebody, then who?Do you really not think I wrote this,for what reason1.not smart enough. 2.doesn’t sound like me. 3.you wanted people to think you wrote this. 4.you thought John Boy wrote this. 5.you thought Stringer wrote this.

      • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

        I don’t care who wrote it, I just know that you didn’t. Why the quotation marks? That says that the words that follow belong to someone other than me. You used words that are beyond your comprehension and I loved that ‘in my youth.” I would like for you to name some of the countries that you visited “in my youth.” I just love that statement – “in my youth.” I will go with numbers 1, 2, and 3. I would like for you to list the lies that I have told; I would like for Johnny Bee Bee Brain to tell everyone what he knows about me. Just one easy question for Johnny Bee Bee Brain. What was my brother’s name? Of course neither of you will answer. Got to skedaddle as I am rearranging my library and taking care of a sick wife. Nice visiting with the both of you – NOT!

  21. Donald Marion Fowler Says:

    My mind has been a terrible waste. Sorry. This gin is killing me.

  22. Anonymous Says:

    Cause you are a Dumbass !

  23. Oldman Says:

    dmf my 9:22 am today what’s your take on this right or wrong,good or bad.I thought dmf as smart as he is should have something to say about this
    By for now,smart ass

  24. L. Welden Says:

    Ignore what Fowler writes. He gets his laughs when you answer him. Also, do something about Oldman. He is weird.

    • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

      How does someone get my icon? I did not write the above post. This is happening to much here lately.

      • Oldman Says:

        Better watch it,you know with all the drones,they know everything going on the Internet and what you are talking about.Am I an undercover agent ,but how will you ever know?
        When they get your icon they can listen in to everything you say and every that’s said in your house,did you know that? What have you done that they should be listening in on? Do you have any secrets that they don’t want leaked out ? You are all ways talking about things you know and have done in the armed forces,how smart you are, so they have some young dude about20 and trying to make a name for himself,he believes all those lies you’ve told now what? Of course they will be checking in on you.Add this post with the last post and the govt.just might think you need looking into.So they start with income tax and do the whole roundup from A to Z looking for anything,what you own,how much money in bank,what bad habits you have and so on. One little slip up and down the creek bye bye no crying just bye bye
        You know it might have something to do how close to live to the border.A little while back I think they passed a law giving them control of a strip of land about20 or 25 miles wide from the border.They now have control over radio,land and air traffic. Really smart people like you are the ones they watch not dumb ass people like me.I guess being (dumb) like me has it’s benefits.

  25. Oldman Says:

    6/29/10 at 9:22 am Mr.dmf have you made up your mind on what I wrote yet?
    I won’t worry too much if you cannot tell who wrote what I wrote.I just bet it’s all those cheap free meds you are taking for your cancer.I guess you have been reading about all the trouble veterans are having getting the right meds and getting them on time.Well do you think with the govt.in the shape it’s in,do you think they are giving you all these high dollar meds for nothing? The sooner you die off,the less money they’ll have to spend.Then they will have more money to spend to buy votes from the poor folks. For what you say they are spending on your meds,they can get at least200to300votes from people coming across the Mexico border and becoming citizens,getting all the free stuff and voting what ever party they are asked to.Now what is cheaper you or 300 people coming across the border and voting Democrat? Think about it,you are digging your grave,bye bye.
    And then again I might be smarter than you ,at least I can see what the govt. And the Democrat party are doing ,they are taking this country down piece by piece and people like you are too dumb to know it.

    • dmfoaonrwailloednr Says:

      Oldman, I don’t think that you are smarter than anyone. Like I have already said a pismire (piss ann) is smarter than you because it can at least find the picnic.

  26. June Cleaver Says:

    I just wanna say that too much profanity is being used on this site and it needs to stop. I have eight children who might read this. Stop it now!!!

  27. D. M. F Says:

    Laughs of the day:

    At least twice Oldman wanted to post as anonymous and posted as Oldman AND THEN WENT AND TOLD US OF HIS MISTAKE! I see how a stupid person could make such a mistake; he must have farted and that got his attention as he tried to interpret it.

    Then he copied a letters and said that he wrote it. Whoever wrote it used words that aren’t in the vocabulary of the dunderhead Oldman. Plus he said “in my youth.” How many North Louisiana hillbillies use such phrases? Not Oldman, you can be sure.

    Then he wants us to believe that the government is using drones to listen to what we say. It is the NSA and they are doing it the easy way: looking at and listening to telephone calls.

    Keep it up Oldman. Your humor is so enlightening. You are one weird son of a bitch! I feel sorry for the guy but not so sorry as to wish him well.

  28. Let's straighten this place up for the kids,please Says:

    There was a nice lady on here 06/30/14 asking that we watch the talk on here, she did not want her kids being brought up talking like that. That kind of makes you ashamed of yourselves don’t it?
    So please cutout all the curse words and bad talk about others.

  29. D. M. F Says:

    Today’s questions: What has become of the court docket the infamous simmons woman? Is there anyone in Jackson Parish that believes the DA had nothing to do with it? Is there anyone there in Jackson Parish that believes that the DA didn’t get a little green under the table to hold the docket? You people have to remember that she was charged with perjury and to my knowledge, those charges haven’t been dropped; just a court docket that is missing.

    Have anymore charges been added to the council member in whose home the rape occurred. Providing a place for the party and serving liquor sounds like facilitation to me.

    Some jerk is playing games by deleting a lot of my posts. I guess that the First Amendment to our Constitution has no validity in Jackson Parish. Stupidity seems to be a way of life for some in Jackson Parish. I see that the barely lucid comments of some grade school dropouts are allowed to stay while coherent and logical comments are a danger to the “lesser minds.”

  30. Who is it? Says:

    Sounds like we have more than one dumb ass 9th grader and more than one dumb ass school teacher also. Well this dumb ass 9th grader is not doing it,so it has to be that dumb ass d.m.f.
    So everybody say hello to d.m.f. Does everybody know what d.m.f.stands for? Ask him.

  31. The " real one" is watching Says:

    Nothing has changed you are still a 100% dumb ass turkey( you know how dumb a turkey really is don’t you?) We will talk to you later.See you for supper( turkey.)

  32. Donald Maron Fowler Says:

    Oldman is not for cutting the water off on those who do not pay. Must have had a change of heart since an earlier post on this site::

    06/26/2014 at 5:41 pm | Reply

    These people that do not their water bills are more than likely on all the other govt.intitlements. They have gotten use not having to pay their everyday bills they think the govt. ought to pay tier water bills also.There are very few people that couldn’t pay the rent,lights,gas and water if they wanted to or if the govt.didn’t pay it for them.And I didn’t even put the food in there so let the govt. Help with the food bill also.
    By the time they buy beer,cigs,eat out four or five times a week,pay notes on a junk car with $4,000.00 tires and rims,gasoline to ride around with,a $2000.00 for some old loud radio cause everybody else has one,$300.00 shoes,best of clothes to wear. Heck I couldn’t pay the water bill myself,but I don’t buy all that junk and I pay my water bills when it comes due.
    Its not going to get any better until they are forced to pay their bills like everybody else. If you don’t pay your bills cut it off until you do,I’ll bet it will not be long before all your bills are up to date. People need for their own good to get off all govt.programs and learn how to take care of themselves,govt.help will not always be here,so you need to learn how,now.
    We have some of the most lazy no-good bums in the world,really if some had to work or starve I think most would starve.One way to empty the jails would be to make the people work to pay their way while in jail. No work ,no eating at least 10 hrs a day hard labor,I’ll bet in a year the jails would be all most empty,what do you think?

    Tski, tsk, tsk Oldman. Can’t remember the name you posted under and now you are having difficulty remember your stance on an issue.

  33. Donald Maron Fowler Says:

    II I qualified for food stamps, I would sign up for them. If I qualified for medicade, I would be on it right now. If there were other programs provided by the government and I was eligible for them, I would sign up. Unfortunately I do not qualify for any of the because of the $14.27 that I have in the bank., However, I am eligible for social security (as is my wife) and we draw it monthly. I am a retired veteran and draw substantial retirement for that service I have a monthly retirement from the state of Texas for teaching 20 years and I will draw it until I die and my wife with continue to draw the full amount until she dies. My wife worked for Wal Mart for twenty years and bought stock each month and when she retired we sold the stock to buy our present home (that’s how we were able to pay cash for it). I am a disable vet (100%) and draw close to $3,000 a month and because of a hearing loss attributed to my service in Vietnam, I am about to start drawing money for that.

    Now when Agenda 21 is in place, what part of all of that will I lose? I own my home. Will I lose that? I have an automobile. Will I lose that. I have one bicycle. Will I be able to keep that? What about the money I have in the bank (upper six figures)? Will I have to give that away? I own quite a bit of land in Jackson Parish. What will happen to that land?

    For those that think the sky is falling, we are experiencing a beautiful sunset here in San Antonio? What’s it like in Jonesboro, Louisiana? Dank and dark and fearful of what is to come?

    • Anonymous Says:

      Yes Donald, you chose to move to San Antonio into a comfy home, away from the racist Louisiana small town! Took all your potential tax money away form here, so you could live high on the hog ! You stated that taxes were cheap in San Antonio, Want me to find it for you ? Agenda 21 is going to make sure that people can’t advance to a status in life, that is socially unjust to everyone else ! But you have nothing to worry about, because of your age ! It’s just those grandkids you have that will be slaves to a tyrannical government !

      • Anonymous Says:

        Yes, your grandkids will have to help pay for all those little Colombian , Honduran, and other Central American future entitlement beneficiaries . So you better leave them plenty . By the time they get anything, a dollar might be worth a dime or two .

      • Donald Maron Fowler Says:

        One correction: there is no state income take in Texas.

    • money man Says:

      I made 47$hr. working from home online. Call 1 800 the fool and I will send you an information packet so you can get started. Have your credit card handy as there will be a small fee of 20$ for the packet.

  34. Anonymous Says:

    How about this one, page 83….. Chapter 5 Housing and Neighborhoods 5.1 Introduction
    (Existing housing patterns in Ruston reflect the negative economic impact of sprawl to taxpayers: higher value residential development continues to migrate north and east beyond current city boundaries; housing values and neighborhood quality diminish when former occupant-owned properties are converted to rental units (primarily for student renters); core housing stock continues into decline as student renters chase newer rental properties north of I-20; and declining housing stock falls into disrepair with insufficient rental income to justify necessary improvements. This pattern has already yielded low owner occupancy rates in original city neighborhoods, and a growing inventory of substandard and adjudicated properties primarily south of Highway 80. Left unchecked, this pattern will result in a loss of historic neighborhoods, a decline of the historic downtown, a loss in property tax revenues, and simultaneous public pressure to expand city infrastructure in support of a commuting workforce who live beyond the city limits and rely upon automobile transportation to and from work within the city.) Yeah Donald, let’s just force everybody to live in the crime ridden areas in the city! No problem !!!!! Where is individual choice in this plan?

  35. Anonymous Says:

    Page 93…..New housing development in mixed use areas and the core district should provide for higher population densities while simultaneously fueling pedestrian-focused scale and vitality appropriate for these areas.
    Developments should allow immediate access from sidewalks at the street edge and minimize the impact of automobiles. The desired result is a return of pedestrian activity to the street with ready access to available resources, services, and amenities without reliance on an automobile.

  36. Anonymous Says:

    page 129……Strategy: Embrace complete streets and shared use paths as an opportunity to connect individual parks into a comprehensive community recreation network.
    Park operations and programming should expand beyond individual property boundaries, and, consequently, the public should be encouraged to experience individual properties as a portion of a linked system with almost unlimited access throughout the community.
    An integrated approach will no longer view individual properties as automobile-dependent destinations. Public quality of life benefits to this approach strongly align with vision expectations outlined in Chapter 1. A proposed network map is shown on the facing page.

  37. Anonymous Says:


  38. Not the real oldman Says:

    At least I’ve got a lot of people writing about Agenda 21.I’m glad of that.Also I think a lot more people are watching Fox News,that’s a good thing also. I even think D.M.F.is an covert also,even though he’s a goofy smart ass something from Texas. Steer or queer ???

  39. Donald Maron Fowler Says:

    Attention everyone – I am going to change the name I post under. Unlike some idiots on this blog, I will not give up that name., See you on the flop side.

  40. Fowler, Donald Marion Says:

    Told you I was going to get a new name for my posts.

    • Anonymous11 Says:

      Yeah get you a new name if you want,but the people on here know you as The D.M.F.,your parents named you that, so that is what we will call you.Looks like your name will stick for life.

  41. Fowler, Donald Marion Says:

    Golly gee, nothing about St. Tammany’s Parish is days. Half the people reading this post couldn’t find St. Tammany’s Parish without a map and I keep wondering why it is posted under Jonnesboro. Same goes for Homer.

  42. dmfoaonrwailloednr Says:

    Come on people; it’s time to blog and say stupid things. Hurry up. I need a laugh before dinner.

  43. Anonymous Says:

    Well, we provided the truth to old Fowler, Donald Marion. He’s too stupid to compare the Agenda’s ! Say’s he has to change his name ! Thats typical Liberal tactic, When you prove to people that they are wrong, they change the name. (ie) Global Warming>Man made Climate change ! But I still like your REAL name, The one The Old Man gave you Dumb do do !

  44. Donald Marion Fowler Says:

    Won’t it be great if one of the Robertsons run for President?Finally we would get this place back to were it should be, No.1,out of debt,and free.

  45. Fowler, Donald Marion Says:


  46. None Says:

    We need to start a post for D.M.F. He could fill it up talking about himself. Of course he would tell you how smart he is,about all the free govt.cash he’s getting,money in his bank,what a good teacher he was,where he’s been,how many presidents he’s given advice to,and on and on and on.but folks he’s nothing but a stinky do do bird. Mr. Know it all and don’t know shi I’m sorry I needed to say do do bird,no more bad words.he’s so dumb he can’t pour do do out of a boot.

  47. dmfoaonrwailloednr Says:

    It’s 8:36 and not a peep from Jonesboro’s POS named Oldman (or anyone of the many names he posts under). Maybe he choked on all the lies he has told (wouldn’t that be nice) He rants and rails about the lies I tell but when asked to tell me what the lies were he clams up like a virgin on prom night. There are none for him to relate. When asked about specific subject matter that affects Jonesboro he fails to respond. He has a computer and likes to just talk and talk about thing of which he knows nothing but thinks that it’s important because he said it. I often think that he truly believes that he is intelligent and probably compares his writings with Shakespeare but I see him as nothing but Snakeshit. I get a good laugh out of what he says and the intense way he believes he has said something people would be interested in. What a joke, this piece of barnyard dung (that would be do do to you, Oldman.

  48. FrederickRudolphFudpucker, esq. Says:

    Be advised that recent written tests have proven beyond any doubt that Oldman (and all of his other names) is an idiot first class and can’t distinguish between shit and shinola. Exchanging notes with him might be contagious so beware. You’ve been warned.

  49. Anonymous Says:

    This is a pdf of San Antonio . Just compare to Ruston 21…http://www.sanantonio.gov/Portals/0/Files/Sustainability/NeighborhoodSustainabilityAssessmentReport.pdf

  50. Anonymous Says:


  51. Mayor A1 Says:

    You are letting the govt.take control of your life,soon you will have no choice but to let the govt.have total control,what will you do then,cry? Then they will take control of all of your physical money and give you an electronic card,then they will know were every penny of your money goes. Anytime they want control of you or to make you do something,they will just shut the card down until you come across or starve.folks call me a nut if you want to but that goes both ways. We have been led to believe that the govt.is here for us,just keep on believing that,dumb ass do do.

    • Mayor A1 Says:

      Also I would like to say the oldman is a he’ll of a lot smarter than dmf. By the way what does dmf stand for?

    • FrederickRudolphFudpucker, esq. Says:

      Mayor A1, (the steak sauce man) you appear to be dumber than Oldman (in fact, he posts under so many name, you just may be him). Where are the Russians that (according to Joe McCarthy) were supposed to take over the US government in the 1950s? You are a first class nucking fut who believes all that you are told and do not possess the ability to discern anything on your own. People like to think that dmf stands for dumb mother f— but they are just my initials as any sane person can see. Since grade school that has been know so you haven’t discovered anything new. Don’t ever compare me to Oldman – he is (according to him) a 9th grade drop out while possess an IQ of 138 and a master’s degree in American history. He can’t even tell us who the only black governor of Louisiana was. His answer (and maybe yours also) will be that Louisiana has never had a black governor. You would be wrong as you are about Oldman’s intelligence.

  52. Anonymous Says:

    Holder for mayor!

  53. FrederickRudolphFudpucker, esq. Says:

    When you think it can’t get any better in Louisiana, along comes a repugnicant for the senate announcing that his 17 year-old-unmarried daughter is pregnant. So much for family values in that state. Let’s see: there is a man (Vitter) running for governor who used to arrange dates with whores from the senate floor. Then there is the kissing (McAllister) congressman who won’t step down and now the unmarried pregnant daughter of a repugnicant running for the senate. The only thing missing is two gays getting it on in Jackson Square (or has that already happened)?

  54. Anonymous Says:

    Pull for team fowler or team oldman. We can do 200 comments if we stick together. Go team go. Ask not what your town can do for you, but ask what you can do for your town.

  55. to oldman Says:

    Well Oldman if congress doesn`t find a solution, the federal highway trust fund will run dry this summer. There goes your roads and military spending plan for the federal government. Tea baggers will be mighty happy to have president jindal handle the problem. Let the states take care of roads now. Hope you have room for your grandson when he loses his job. Congress might find a short term solution until after mid term elections. Can` make a tea bagger mad you know.

  56. Holder for mayor Says:

    Dumbass drunk ,you would be lying again to say you worked for what you got.you haven’t worked up a good sweat since you played football in high school. Do you stay drunk all the time? Tell us all what working jobs that you have had. One other thing I’ve found out what’s worst than a Texas queer,that is a dmf drunk Texas queer by the name of dumb do do donald marion fowler.
    Bye bye dumb ass do do

  57. Holder for mayor Says:

    Keep on all you are doing is to show people just how smart you really are.Right now your I Q is the same as a dead tadpole .you are a useless dumb ass,drink your gin and be quite then people might not really know how dumb you really are

  58. sunrisesunset Says:

    On a more serious note…..HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! Thanks to the brave men and women who have served and died in order that we may still have our freedom today. God bless America, land that I love!!!!

  59. sunrisesunset Says:

    Do not know why my blog of 07/04 at 5:47 p.m. jumped way up the scale. Sorry, it should have followed other comments of today, but instead jumped back to several days ago. I cannot solve this great MYSTERY. No telling where this blog will end up.

  60. sunrisesunset Says:

    Dang it! It jumped the scale, too!

  61. Anonymous Says:

    Just watched America. I recommend it to everyone. Here’s a very good review …..http://misguidedchildren.com/opinion/2014/07/dinesh-dsouza-its-ok-to-love-america/24994

  62. Holder for mayor Says:

    I think the mule is really dead this time.Must be the hot Texas sun shining down on a empty head

  63. Oldman Says:

    Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Goverment take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian.

  64. Anonymous Says:

    Most of us have just quit reading the replies since Donald Marion Fowler and Oldman took up so much of the space with their useless “remarks.” Had to erase this website from my cell phone because it was taking up so much space. Imagine others have done the same thing. Best thing to do is just delete all the remarks and then empty your recycle bin. These two have almost ruined what used to be the best website on the Internet. Nearly 200 “remarks” on the last council meeting, and none of them addressed the real issue in that meeting.

  65. Anonymous Says:

    FrederickRudolphFudpucker is getting as bad as Donald Marion Fowler (unless it is the same person). At least the latter didn’t use as much vulgar obscenity. Can you believe 200 “comments” and just a handful worth spending your time reading?

  66. Anonymous Says:

    I wish Donald Marion Fowler would get his own website and not take up so much space on this one with his ridiculous ramblings.

  67. aerial drones Says:

    I think that is among the so much important information for me. And i am satisfied studying your article. But should observation on few basic things, The website taste is wonderful, the articles is really nice : D. Good job, cheers

  68. Oldman Says:

    Any local news?Is Holder out and about?Does anybody have a list of people running for Jonesboro mayor?
    Have a good day

    • sunrisesunset Says:

      I believe I heard Mr. Holder has just had a major heart valve operation this week. (Tuesday). He will not be out campaigning too much until he recuperates.

      While I was going down Leon Dr., this a.m., sure did see many, many signs out in peeps yards supporting James Bradford. Can you say “RACIST”? Don’t think the black community would ever support a white mayor no matter how QUALIFIED he/she was. Unless there is only one white running for this office, I think Jonesboro will have another black mayor.

  69. sos Says:

    Someone is taking too many pain pills!

  70. Living in a third world country Says:

    Good morning, what does the president think he’s doing with this border thing in the southwest? These people should be rounded up and sent home,now.Not sent home ,but dropped off at the Mexico border,they left home and got there so we take them back to the border and let them get home from there.
    We are going to lose this great country of ours,if somethings not done quick.
    What do you think should be done?

    • Anonymous Says:

      Clean up around our own back door first. That means you and I , Oldman. Don`t worry, be happy. You will be long gone before it happens.

  71. Help the poor man,he needs way more Goverment money,it's getting hard to just get by without working Says:

    Where is dmf? I hope he’s not sick,dead,in jail,run away with some blonde from Fox news – like the ones he’s always talking about looking up their short dress,had to go back to work to help obuma;he needs to get back to work as I need help with Oldman.Oldman has been acting up again,telling lies,picking on the poor man.Come on back dmf,we need you now,HELP

  72. Anonymous Says:

    First we had Donald Marion Fowler on this website, now we have FrederickRudolphFudpucker, Esq. What did we do wrong to deserve this?

  73. Oldman Says:

    Why is our President leaving our southern borders open for anyone that is wishing to cross? How did all these children get to our southern border without help from our President? And also what is the max age of these children?How do we benefit from letting these people come across our borders? Don’t we have enough low skilled laborers already and do we need these people taking up the few jobs that we do have? Don’t we have enough people on welfare like it is?
    These are just a few questions I would like answered,I know this is off topic, Thank you, Oldman

    • Anonymous Says:

      The kids were transported by lying criminals. Families, for the most part, gave all the wealth they had to try and get their kids to a better place. I don`t have all the answers except for that one. Do we need to stop them at the border and watch them die? Is that the solution? Criminal elements have made a fortune with this scam.

      • Oldman Says:

        The children that are here should be given a chance to better themselves.They should not come to America to be on welfare for a lifetime,they need to get an education,learn to speak our language,learn our laws and stay out of trouble.After they do all of this,then they can be called an American,no sooner.Deal in drugs or get one felony,no if’s ands or buts,back to were you came from,no more chances.Also you need a education to stay.We do not need more people on welfare,we need more productive people to make this country a better place to live and raise a family

        • sunrisesunset Says:

          Everytime I go into a restaurant with Hispanic workers and they are not speaking ENGLISH, I want to tell them to shut-up and speak our language……ENGLISH. Most probably do not know any English.

  74. Jonesboro boy Says:

    We’ve had a good long dry spell without The Donald Marion Fowler and The Oldman messing things up.Just two dumb ass old farts that think they know everything.It’s been nice.

  75. sunrisesunset Says:

    I am at a loss as to why I do not see any comments about the Town Councilman article in the JI issue dated July 10th. I was late in reading the JI until today and note an article (front page) that states “Town Councilman pleads not guilty.” This is the very Honorable LaStevic Cottonham, aka “Stevie.” He pled through his attorney. Jimmy Teat presided. Next court date is set for Sept. 2, 9:30 a.m.

    Maybe this is another article and I missed it.

  76. Living in a third world country Says:

    Secure the border,now. Shut it down and send the people back to where they came from. No telling what kind of trash is coming across.I just hope it’s not too late

    • sunrisesunset Says:

      Just read where one of the border patrol agents has come down with a bacterial infection from processing illegals. Article stated he would have long-term problems stemming from this. Sure there will be more illnesses from the influx.

  77. sunrisesunset Says:

    Posted this up the scale, but some may not know. Seems our esteemed City Councilman, LaStevic Cottonham, aka, Stevie has used his attorney to pled “not guilty” for him. This deals with all of the charges against him. Judge Teat presided. Will be brought up in court Sept. 2 at 9:30 a.m.

  78. sunrisesunset Says:

    Donald, where are you? Seems there isn’t much to comment about lately. Nothing going on, I suppose. Guess that is why you are absent. Hope it is not your health.

  79. Cute Little Miss Says:

    Don,you don’t need to let that old fart get the best of you.

  80. Anonymous Says:

    Holder is our next mayor!

  81. Anonymous Says:


  82. Anonymous Says:

    H0lder 4 may-or!

  83. Anonymous Says:

    Go Hol-der!

  84. Anonymous Says:

    Love seeing all the H0LDER!! signs They are everywhere

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