Alexander unhappy with “people who are not necessarily in the news business”

Retiring Louisiana Fifth District Congressman Rodney Alexander noted the other day when he announced his retirement that the partisan political climate in Washington, DC was part of his motivation to retire.

But also, in an interview with Zach Parker of the Ouachita Citizen, he spoke of the problem he had with social media (Facebook, etc) and non-traditional news outlets such as blogs.

Said Alexander, “The Facebook and all of that — people who are not necessarily in the news business — are driving what people do, and at times, that’s had a very negative impact on how the Congress operates.”

See here the full article.

We would like to think our newsblog is at least partly responsible for Alexander’s dissatisfaction with modern information distribution systems.

For example, recall these two stories our readers would never have known about otherwise:

7/24/2013 – Rodney Alexander Votes to Continue Unlimited Citizen Phone Surveillance
8/3/2012 – Congressman Rodney Alexander Earmarks for Greater North La CDC Total Nearly $1 Million

Then there were our friends at The Hayride who put up this story a couple of years ago.

2/22/2011 – Rodney Alexander’s Expensive Pro-Union Vote

The amendment in question would provide that:

“None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to enter into, after the date of the enactment of this Act, a Government contract that requires a project labor agreement.”

According to The Hayride, project labor agreements are a vehicle by which terms typically favorable to unions are agreed upon between management and labor representatives in advance of bids being let on construction contracts. The PLA’s are technically made between unions and contractors, but they’re actually negotiated between the unions and the owner of the project – and then laid down as a term to which contractors bidding on that project must abide.

The Hayride went on to say that the scuttlebutt is that several major players in Louisiana’s construction industry are declaring war on Alexander over the vote, and recruitment for a challenger in 2012 is beginning now. The level of anger about what is perceived as a stab in the back is palpable.

We understand a politician’s frustration with news he cannot control.

For years, the political class is used to dealing with newspaper editors and reporters they can schmooze, and TV reporters vulnerable to flattery. When necessary, the political class can and does threaten the welfare program designed for the print media – legal ads.

But alas, times have changed.

For the better, we suggest.

21 Responses to “Alexander unhappy with “people who are not necessarily in the news business””

  1. Rastus B. Gumm Says:

    Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Rotney.

  2. Bill Huey Says:

    Oh yes, democracy is SUCH a pain in the butt! The great A.J. Liebling, who once said, “freedom of the press is for the man who owns one,” would be delighted at what’s happened to traditional media channels.
    Good column, thanks.

  3. Dee Says:

    Thank you Mr. Abbot for giving us news and not “warmed over mush” the politicians spew out for our consumption!! The truth will make us free. Those corrupt ones can’t stand the light of truth to shine on them.

    n. pl. hy·poc·ri·sies
    1. The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
    2. An act or instance of such falseness.

    What dija say, Mr. Alexander? Oh, this is it: “There is no more honorable position than serving the veterans of our great country. I am grateful that the Governor has confidence in me to do what needs to be done for these brave men and women. I look forward to working with the Governor and for veterans to make sure that their needs are protected.” — The Times PicayuneAug 7, 2013

    Mr. Alexander, who can believe a word of that statement? Your ACTIONS speak volumes more than your words do. You voted , “NO” to the Amash amendment to limit funding for NSA and in so doing gave YOUR consent to a more tyrannical big government.

    You approved the taking away of our veterans 4th amendment rights. You approved a government to collect data illegally on every veteran who ever served in the military, as well as every member of their family and children of future generations. You did more to destroy this once great country and move us away from the Constitution than any foreign phantom “enemy” .
    No, Mr. Alexander, there is no faith left in you when you say you look forward to . ..”working with the Governor and for veterans to make sure that their needs are protected.” No , NO!
    You are the enemy! You should be ashamed to trample our Constitution under foot, then say ,
    “make sure their (veterans) needs are PROTECTED!”
    There will be a judgement day, for sure.

  4. cc rider Says:

    How else are we going to receive the truth??? The media is biased. We have a voice and the regular media is not going to let us speak it. They are such liars!! So yes, we turn to social websites and blogs like this for the TRUTH and to write the truth. And you can bet your sweet a$$ we are being watched and listened to…..

  5. Donald Marion Fowler Says:

    Wait! Did not Rodney say in his announcement about his leaving Congress that the main reason was “that he had long ago decided that twelve years was enough”? I understood from that statement that in 12 years he had gained all that he could (retirement pay, hospital expenses paid, kickbacks, etc.) To quote a couple of country and western singers – “Thank God and Greyhound you’re gone” and from Willie – The Party’s over. They say that all good things must end.” Maybe along the way he wised up to the fact that associating with the Tea baggers was not to his liking, especially now that they are talking about shutting down the government if the Affordable Care Act is funded. As for Rodney leaving – THANK GOD. Now lets put someone in who is honorable and will word for the people.

  6. Joe Hinkie Says:

    Saw through his facade many years ago. At least this piece of trash is leaving DC!!!!!

  7. Donald Marion Fowler Says:

    Oops! I did a governor perry and did not read all of Rodney’s statement in the paper. He is resigning in September and will be working for booby jindal. Me smells a rat here. Booby wants to be president and it looks like Rodney is jumping on his bandwagon in hopes of getting some of the gravy and just maybe a position in a Booby administration, if we are so unlucky to see him elected president. Also Rodney said “people who are not necessarily in the news business are driving what people do and at times that’s had a very negative impact on how the Congress operates” Hey S**t For Brains, people speak out and Congress (you know, that body in which you sat on your Tea Bagging ass for twelve years doing nothing and earned a 10% approval rating) is supposed to react to out wishes. You were sent up to Washington, DC to represent our WISHES. Don’t complain about the social media. We have to have a voice because you certainly don’t speak for us.

  8. Tired of Taxes Says:

    Yep he is set for life now, got all those years in working “LOL” and now he gets 100k per year retirement, a GOLD PLATED health plan and a spot in the lobbing world, where he can make millions for introducing the $$$ men to his buddies left in congress. What a scam!!!! These people need to be kicked out on their axxes and have all their benefits taken away. No telling how much money he has made under the table for all those tax dollars he has handed out to crooks like Simmons. Aren’t you glad you pay taxes for all this??? NO!!!!!

  9. Congressman Rodney Alexander (R-LA) Resigns to Take Jindal Administration Appointment | Says:

    […] from Heritage Action is 36%. On his way out the door, Alexander lamented the influence of “people who are not necessarily in the news business“. In other words, […]

  10. Donald Marion Fowler Says:

    It just keeps coming to me. Rodney is like Sarah Palin: He quit in the middle of his term just like her. I guess when he saw what she made (millions and millions) he wanted that chance for himself. All that is left for him is to get a job with Fixed News so he can spout his dribble at will. Hey, Rodney!!!!! You were not elected to just a half a term; you were sent there for two years to help your district not yourself. I worked for twenty years for my military retirement and in one year I don’t get half of what you will be getting each month.

  11. Bob Says:

    Rodney’s taking a job with the Governor now. Looks like he’s trying to set himself up to replace Jindal in 2015

    • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

      If the Rod man runs for governor, beware Louisiana. Just keep in mind what he did for 10 1/2 years in DC – NOTHING and that will probably be his agenda in Baton Rouge. When he was running for Congress the first time he was worried about a picture that had been photo-shopped to show him standing by So Damn Insane and he was worried. I had been given a pin made from metal from the World Trade Center by a policeman from New York that I worked with in San Antonio and I gave it to the Rod Man and said “wear this and it ought to be worth 1000 votes”. He won by less than a thousand and to this day I wish I had that pin back for in my book his service in Congress dishonored those people who died in the towers that day. Rod Man knows my address for I have written him many times (not a single respons except the form letter that said he could not help me for I was not in his district). Just spell my name correctly on the package.

  12. bear47 Says:

    I will not miss this clown being a member of congress. Yes, I did not capitalize the word “congress” on purpose. I refuse to do so until we have more than one or two honorable members in at least one of the two houses of that “organization”.
    Rodney is a part of what is so very wrong with congress today.
    Just my own (not so very humble) 2 cents worth.

  13. B. Morris Says:

    Guess this is more of the “negative press” that we heard about a couple of weeks ago because the “public” was made aware of a plan that was for the good of a handful politicians and not all the people. It’s only “negative” when it exposes what they are busy doing.

    Keep on writing and keep on sharing the facts as they unfold, we know not what, when, where or how unless we see the facts and they more times than not are found right here.

  14. bear47 Says:

    Wait, he doesn’t like the “new media” and all the people who complain? Excuse me, but the First Amendment says we have freedom of speech. I took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America when I enlisted in the Marines in 1968. I remember high school civics taught that members of congress also take a similar oath to defend the very same Constitution. OK, so how does old Rodney square his bitching about freedom of speech with the oath he has taken every time he won his election and was seated in the House of Representatives? Does he only abide by that oath when the one speaking is one who has contributed big bucks to his re-election campaigns? Sounds like very selective reading of the old Constitution there Rodney. What an ass.
    And this piece of work is going to run the state veterans affairs?
    Maybe Rodney could go help plug the sink hole down at Bayou Corne. His ego might almost be big enough to plug the thing.

  15. #BattleOfOurTimes.Com Says:

    […] Alexander unhappy with “people who are not necessarily in the news business” […]

  16. TyrantsThriveAmongUs Says:

    Strange how politicians don’t like anyone knowing what is really going on.
    Where’s all that accountability they are always talking about, going to come from, if people don’t have the facts?
    Do what you think is right, and stand or fall with it. That’s part of it. People trying to play a double game is a lot of the problem.
    If you are planning to do something that would flip people out if they find it out, then don’t do it. if you do somethign that you are convinced is right and expect criticism, then take it, defend what you did, and accept the consequences.

  17. Jindal minions use Twitter to attack pesky bloggers who dare criticize their boss but look like playground bullies instead | Louisiana Voice Says:

    […] Walter Abbott of Ruston has a blog called Lincoln Parish Online and on Thursday he alluded to an interview Alexander did with the Ouachita Citizen of West Monroe. In that interview, Alexander indicated he had a problem with social media and “non-traditional” news outlets such as blogs.… […]

  18. dirk Says:

    It is impossible for anyone elected to either the state or federal legislature to please each of his constituents with every vote he casts. What one of us feels is commendable and laudable, another may feel is insane and perhaps even self-serving. Rodney Alexander is no exception. However, if one takes the time to step back from his/her own agenda and look at the entire body of work Mr. Alexander has produced in Washington, it becomes evident he has had the best interest of his constituents at heart when casting his votes. Who gives a rip about north central and northeast Louisiana, other than the people who live here or grew up here? Nobody. Not even the legislators who live south of Alexandria and serve in the state legislature. Certainly not those in Washington who are from other parts of the country. In my opinion, Rodney Alexander has done an exemplary job in bringing much needed projects, jobs, improvements, and money to the poorest area of the state. If we had more moderates in our state and federal legislatures our country would be in a better state of affairs. As to “non-traditional” news sources, surely this blog is not the only one out there. Could it be he is referring to those sites who show no professionalism and spew forth their opinions, accusations and gossip with nothing to back up what they say? Blogs are typically agenda based with no checks and balances required of professional journalists. The fact that we have freedom of speech is the reason they are able to say whatever they desire, regardless of the truth or accuracy of their statements. Not all blogs writers do research. I think it is commendable that this site refers the reader to the documents being discussed so that each can reach his own opinion.

  19. Tarzan and Jane Says:

    Notice that Rodney Tea Bagger Alexander is not retiring UNTIL AFTER THE CONGRESSIONAL MONTH-LONG RECESS. Way to go Rodney. Youse knows how to play the system to your benefit. Too bad you did nothing for us during you terms. There is an old military saying to explain your delaying your retirement: R O A D – retired on active duty but still collecting a pay check. Don’t forget to stop in Jnesboro and kiss Les Lie. You two are of the same il.

  20. Ami Says:

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