Water Issues at Jonesboro City Council Meeting

Water system issues dominated the discussion at last night’s meeting of the Town of Jonesboro’s Board of Alderman. Both billing issues and system upkeep were talked about.

Some residents have complained about a $30 reconnection fee that is charged if their account becomes delinquent. It was noted that the 25th of the month is the delinquent date, and that if the customer pays the bill by 4 PM on that date, there is no problem. About a year ago, the council passed a policy resolution addressing the procedure, it was said.

Fiscal Administrator Kenneth Folden noted that a late fee is charged by banks and other institutions if payment is late.

Said Folden, “If you do (business) with almost any company you deal with, it tells you got to be there by a certain time. We started putting it on the bills, we started putting it on the front door, we started trying to let people know that this when you do this.”

If payment isn’t received by that time, then the next day a cutoff notice is issued, Folden said. Councilman-at-Large LaStevic Cottonham added that there is a 30 day grace period after the initial due date, then another 10 days after that before a customer’s water is cut off.

Folden also addressed the poor condition of the water system, and said that the existing rates aren’t sufficient for the system’s upkeep. In addition to the upkeep, there must be sufficient revenue to payoff the bonds under which the system was financed, it was noted.

Water tank maintenance was also mentioned, and it was noted that the town has some certificates of deposit that could be used for that purpose.

Another issue discussed was reapportionment of the four council districts. Folden said he had discussed the issue with North Delta Regional Planning & Development District, Inc, which has done redistricting for other local government agencies. North Delta indicated that they should be able to meet the deadline for the district lines to be redrawn.

The plan has to be complete and submitted to election officials by 8/15/14.

Also discussed was the practice of the town mowing privately owned vacant lots, and then billing the owner for it.

Folden said the amounts billed weren’t enough to pay the cost, and he thinks the practice should be discontinued. It was suggested that owners be provided a list of private companies that could keep the lots mowed.

Several issues were deferred, and will be addressed at a 6/17 special called meeting at 5:00 PM.

85 Responses to “Water Issues at Jonesboro City Council Meeting”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you Mr. Folden for your work in Jonesboro.

    • Anonymous Says:

      Ditto!! …..And the town council would like to restrict his power and ability to improve the operation and effectiveness of the town’s operations. I just don’t get it!

  2. Oldman Says:

    Thank you Mr. Folden ,why are people upset they have to pay their gas bill ,telephone and electric bill all on time or they get a disconnect notice,water is not free.I wonder how many did not pay before you came onboard? One more time we the town people are really thankful for what you have done,,thank you

  3. Anonymous Says:

    There is not a person in Jonesboro forced to pay a 30.00 re-connection fee on their water if it gets turned off because of not paying the bill.

  4. sunrisesunset Says:

    For all of you that think something is owed to you, guess what! You pay just as everyone else or suffer the consequences. Who do you think you are? Do you think you can just continue using valuable water and not ever pay for what you use. Looks like the days of Thompson freebies are of yore. New day, new beginnings. GRAVY TRAIN has passed on through.

  5. Oldman Says:

    That’s the GOVT. GIVE ME attitude.A bunch of sorry people don’t want to have a job,work and pay their way,let somebody else work and pay OUR way.Get a job,work,pay your way,I’m not going to support you no more. Have a good day

    • Anonymous Says:


    • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

      So, as I understand your less than eloquent comment, you are going to stop paying income taxes so you won’t have to support those “no good, worthless people” who don’t work. Is that what you are saying? You haven’t the gonads to not send in a completed return before April 15th next year. You do realize that other people will be supporting you so that you can get your social entitlements. You haven’t a clue as how the government works for you and everyone. I tell you what. Here is a good idea for you to champion – shut down the federal government (all branches) and let the states govern themselves. I can see you going for an idea like that. Oldman, that 9th grade education you brag about didn’t really help you did it? HEE HAW!!!! HEE HAW!!!!

      • Oldman Says:

        Federal govt. for defense,transportation. States could handle most everything else. And do a hell of a better job with less money,and have a lot more while doing it.
        Fowler,you have sucked the hind titty of the Federal money cow for so long,you don’t know nothing else.
        It seems with your education you would know better.
        A smart hard working man made this country what it is
        A educated fool will be the down fall,where do you fit dmf?

        • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

          You brainless twit, I have worked for everything that I have and I have a lot. Don’t you dare insinuate that I have ever been dependent on the government for my life. Yes, they pay me a VERY good retirement and a VERY good disability but I worked for and earned that, you small little man. And right now they are paying for my medical care (close to $2,000.000 so far and counting. You are the UNEDUCATED fool that will, through their ignorance, destroy this country but you know what: America is the greatest country in the world and nut jobs like you will fail at all you attempt, so we have no worry of our great country being brought down. HEE HAW!!! HEE HAW!!!

          • Oldman Says:

            The govt.got screwed with you,they could have gotten an rocket science professor for that kind of money. Oh well money is nothing to a democrat as long as it’s somebody elses money. There ain’t no way anybody is worth that kind of money much less you
            No it will not be me that ruins America ,it will be people like you.
            What makes you think you are worth that kind of money? That right there is one of the main things that’s wrong with America. What makes you so special I want to know please?

            • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

              Stump jumper, you need a period between you and money. They should have been capitalized. An should be a because rocket does not start with a vowel. You need a comma between well and money. There should be a comma between money and much. There should be a comma between no and it. There should be a period after America and it should be capitalized. It’s easy to see why your education stopped at the 9th grade – you were too frigging dumb to continue. I am no better or worse than anyone. Many veterans receive the same kind of treatment that I do and medicare picks up 80% of the cost for me and them. My insurance picks up the remaining 20%. iT WILL BE PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT DESTROY THE USA (IF THAT EVER HAPPENS, WHICH I FIRMLY BELIEVE IT WON’T). You remind me of a character in one of your favorite books. You know, the one where Chicken Little runs around telling the world that the sky was falling. The USA is as strong as it’s ever been – 60+ straight months of economic growth and the DOW has risen from around 5000 when Bushit left office to over 16000 now. You can’t see the forest for the trees. As for my medical care you are one stupid dumb ass (I could go on with the adjectives but I chose a month or so ago not to use vulgar language so I’ll stop here) to even suggest that I don’t deserve the best care that I can get regardless of the cost. Oh, by the way, you still haven’t answered any question that I have put to you. You still have not listed the lies that I told. You are just stupid, that’s all. Thanks for telling the world that I was a bully in high school. That’s a compliment for a person that weighed but 125 pounds that year. I think I hear one of your cows mooing. Don’t neglect her., It’s time for you to head for the stump, stump jumper. HEE HAW!!! HEE HAW!!!

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Yay, Folden! What up though, that gang of Folden detractors (and their new BFF) didn’t all jump up and say he didn’t need to be in control?

  7. Donald Marion Fowler Says:

    Just got back from my trip to Jonesboro and it was rather amusing to read in the Independent that people from Winnfield, Ruston, Monroe, and West Monroe are now doing their shopping in Jonesboro. It was very amusing to read in Blanche Shows column that NASA is spying on the citizens of the United States. It was just plain sad that she didn’t know about operation Wide Receiver and didn’t understand 501 (c4) of the tax code. I thought that the council meeting went well (I was that long haired bearded freak who sat on the aisle in the rear). Folden is doing a great job. Don’t mess with what he is doing for soon (if the elections go well) Jonesboro will be a place to be proud of. I drove all over town and there are still too many abandoned houses with yards filled with garbage and some inhabited dwellings that have piles of garbage in their yards (check out Center Street and South Street behind the school). My daughter feared for my life after all that I had said about people in Jonesboro but I ate breakfast in McDonalds on Sunday the 8th, bought chicken at my favorite place (Southern Classic) and shopped everyday (whether I bought anything or not) at Wal Mart. I spoke with twenty-seven people (12 blacks and 15 whites) and none of them want any member of the current council to run for mayor so someone needs to get the word out to those of the council who plan on running. I did not speak to Holder for I don’t like him from long ago but as of now, if I were a Jonesboro voter, he would get my vote. He appears to be sincere in what he wants to do and that is good enough for me. HOLDER FOR MAYOR.

    Oh, by the way, I didn’t run into Oldman or Donald Mark Fowler. Sorry about that.

    • Donald Mark Fowler Says:

      Really glad you’re back ! The Old Man was about to stroke out because you were gone so long . I hate I missed getting the opportunity to meat you. I agree with you that Holder will make a great Mayor. Also share your view on the clutter in town ! Anyway glad you had a safe trip ! Tadaaaaa!!!!!

      • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

        I wasn’t really gone, fool. I was in Jonesboro getting a first hand look at what your aldermen have done to the town. Oh, by the way. No matter what you say will not draw a response from me as you have become a non-person in my book, not worthy of a response. Good day and ta ta.

      • John Boy Says:

        Donald Mark Fowler, would you really like to meat Donald Marion Fowler?

    • Oldman Says:

      I heard something this morning that I thought I would never hear,Mr.Donald Marion Fowler saying that he wanted Mike Holder for mayor.He’s slowly coming around to my way of thinking and it’s about time with all the hollering and yelling I have done.
      Have a good day people and you also Mr. Fowler.

      • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

        Don’t hold your breath, Oldman. I am still a liberal democrat who opposes just about everything you stand for. I stand for Holder only because I saw no other person on the council deserving of being mayor. Better change the entire council or you will just have more of the same. You can reelect Lampkin because he does nothing at all and just takes up space.. To get me to believe what the repugnicants believe is a task that you aren’t qualified for. Keep dreaming.

        • Oldman Says:

          Oh well win some, lose some,but that’s a start you changing over to Mike Holder.Now that’s a start,how about that ugly Clinton woman who thinks she would be the best thing that ever happened to America,what’s your opinion on that?What will the Democrat party come up with next,anything or anyone would be better don’t you think? Think about it.
          Have a good day

          • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

            Whether or not Hillary is elected president depends on many things – the amount of dirt the repugnicants can dig up on her; fixed news lies and half-truths and who opposes her in the democratic primary. Right now she is the front runner and has my vote no matter what happens. You can’t name a repugnicant that could do a better job than she. Just name one. I haven’t come over to your side on any issue. Jonesboro has crap on the council and none are worthy of being may so I support Holder at the moment., To tell the truth, if Freddie Carwash offered me free car washes for a year, I might support him. I have to pay over $70 to get my car totally cleaned here in San Antonio. Wait a minute! That would be bribery. Still trying to find out about the missing docket; the land deal with Simmons; whether or not the councilman has been implicated in any way with the rape (he did serve alcohol and he did provide his home where the rape occurred and at the least he should be liable for the rape for those reason [ever hear about a family or bartender serving alcohol and an accident occurs and they are held liable for providing the alcohol?]) You ought to go out past the Jimmy Davis Tabernacle and look at all of the beautiful homes – Jonesboro could look that way with some in office with the “get with it” displayed by Richard Zuber. but that ain’t gonna happen. Drove to and turned around in Cottonham’s parking area and each night I was in Jonesboro and each night he was parked in the street. I figured out why he parks in the street – it’s too far for him to walk from the assigned parking place so in addition to being stupid, he’s lazy. Gotta finish mowing my yard (one acre takes some time) as I had to fire my yard man because he didn’t do s*** while I was gone. See Ya.

  8. anonymous Says:

    Donald Marion Fowler, are you talking about “Dead broke Hillary” ? I think you should send that money you waste on a carwash and give it to the broke Clinton’s . After all washing a car contributes to Global warming. You should replace that car with a bicycle!

    • David Says:

      Depends on your definition of broke!! Clintons have their own definitions and they are “whatever fits the moment” . Hillary’s affairs have yet to make the news, as Bill is always in the limelight. Doesn’t really matter what is said about her. She could come out of the closet and still win, as there are too many yahoos sucking the ole government teat and don’t want it to dry up. Ever since the beginning of time, liberalism has been the cause for the decay of powerful nations. We will just be a small footnote in history. In the year 3535 . . .!!

      • Oldman Says:

        All this trash coming across our southern border,sorry blacks already here,sorry whites already here are all going to vote the Democrat ticket and then what will you have? A used to be a great country for everybody to look up to. Took God out of the schools,and the list goes on.Well folks we are bankrupt,no respect in the world,a sorry arse president that has no idea of what’s going on and no body cares. People you had better wake up and I mean now,get out and vote and don’t listen to all the lies,vote for the best person and maybe just maybe we might come out of all this to be a GREAT country again.Please do not vote for the Clinton bitch or listen to their lies.
        Have a good day

        • Thorgood Says:

          Unfortunately the first amendment would have to be visited and reworded to promote religion in schools. You can`t consider the second amendment sacred and trample on the first amendment. Blame it on our forefathers. Government of any kind is forbidden from promoting religion.

        • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

          Naughty, naughty, using the “B” word. Gosh, golly gee, next you will say “darn.” I can’t believe my eyes. You. of all people using dirty words. Where are the answers to my questions: what about the missing court docket; what about the simmons land deal; what about the possibility that the councilman will be indicted for facilitating the rape that occurred in his home? Oh, golly gee! Mitt the Twit Romney came across that southern border. Can’t vote for him. Rubio came from Cuba. Can’t vote for him. Cruz is a Canadian citizen. Can’t vote for him. That leaves few repugnicants that you can vote for. That leaves Michelle Bachman (for example), you know, the lady that praised a town in Iowa for being the home hone of John Wayne. Unfortunately it was the home of John Wayne Gacy, famed sexual abuser of kids and murderer. If the Clinton’s are broke, I have $14.27 in my bank account that they can have. President Hillary Rodham Clinton. Has a nice ring to it. Just to show you that I can be funny at times, answer this question – How did Bill and Hillary meet? Answer – they were both dating the same girl. See Ya.

          • Oldman Says:

            For want of a good President,we have lost America.Fowler,
            what I said was ANYTHING or ANYBODY would make a better president than the bitch clinton,I know without failure that a nanny goat would make the best president out of the two.In my opinion the bitch is one more sorry human being.I’m sorry I had to say this but it’s the way I feel about it. By the way I bet she smells like a goat also.
            Have a good nite

      • Oldman Says:

        David,what will happen when that old (Goverment teat) does dry up? If it dryed up today how many people would die off in the first 3 months along? Most people don’t have any money saved,they have spent it having a good time. Most people don’t really know were food comes from,or how to grow it. A lot of people don’t know how to work as they have never worked a day in they’re lives,shamefull isn’t it?
        Well at least there would be a few new jobs open,truck drivers,front end loaders,etc,etc. Full time work hauling dead bodies off to bury. A great culling it would be,then the ones that’s left would go to work to bring our country back to the greatness it once was. Sad,sad but if something don’t change it could very well happen right here.

        • Anonymous Says:

          Maybe we could go back 150 years. Wouldn`t that be great?

          • Oldman Says:

            Ok but do you think that we can keep on the way we are going. I don’t have the no.s handy but there are more people getting free entitlements than people working to pay for them. We can’t keep paying out more than we bring in,some people do but not for long.
            What is your answer to this?

        • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

          If there has ever been a doubt that you are a nut case, all people have to do is read this tripe. You’re sick and need to seek help immediately! As I have said many times before, you are too stupid to answer the questions that I ask that are appropriate to the situation in and around Jonesboro so you just rant about how bad our great country has become. Why don’t you show your dissatisfaction with government entitlements by writing the government a letter telling them that you do not want your social security, medicare, or medicade among things. You are against entitlements, so have yours stopped. Won’t do that will you for you, too, are sucking at the government teat (and enjoying it; probably reminds you of something else that you suck regularly). You can get the numbers you seek on the internet but you probably don’t know how to google. HEE HAW!!! HEE HAW!!!

          • Oldman Says:

            My daddy would have said you needed to be bored for the hollow horn if you know what that means.I’m beginning to think Pete Clary was way smarter than you will ever be,he knew more about every day life and could work circles around you also. If he was still living he could learn you a lot,Dumb arse.bye

            • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

              “Learn you a lot, Dumb arse. Bye” Again, visual evidence why you left school in the 9th grade – you were just dirt dumb. I do believe that if you left Jonesboro, the IQ of the town would rise a point or two. Pete was one of a kind and I still remember him selling those newspapers. Using him to get at me really shows how much of a low life you are, stump jumper. Pete could be riled up if you picked on him but I never did. Several times I bought him his favorite soda pop and he would put his arm around me and call me his friend. He was a good person despite what you write of him. I am still offer up the challenge that you show where I have lied and I ask again for you to answer my questions about Jonesboro instead of multiple attacks on my character. It’s time for you to head for the barnyard. Those cows are beginning to back up to the stump, stump jumper. HEE HAW!!! HEE HAW!!!

              • Oldman Says:

                dmf if I lied about your character as much as you say, don’t you think some of your [friends] would have said something by now? Jonesboro knows you and knows you very well the type of person you are. Must be sad nobody to stand up and say something or anything good about your character.That says something by it’s self.
                Do you even know about the saying (being bored for the hollow horn) means? Your great education should help you.

                • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

                  Stump Jumper, I believe that your statement that you had talked to so many of my friends is one big lie. Prove that it isn’t a lie by naming five that you talked to. I hold no grudges so by printing their names you won’t put them at any risk. The only risk here is that you can’t name any of my friends that you talked to who spoke ill of me. I don’t care what people say of me. Opinions are like rectal regions; everyone has one. Being bored for the hollow horn refers a mythical disease in primitive communities that requires the removal of a cows horn. Was your dad as dumb as you are? You do understand that we don’t fall far from the tree. Now, do you have anything to say about the subject of the blog or do wish to just go on with a rant about nothing but shows your stupidity? Adios, Stump Jumper. HEE HAW!!! HEE HAW!!!

                  • Oldman Says:

                    Everytime I listen to you talking all that mess and lies almost makes me sick to my stomach.A so called educated human talking that crap,you are one low life sorry good for nothing idiot,your parents didn’t teach you that ,I hope. You are so wrong on most of the things you preach.
                    I would never put their names on here for everybody to see.
                    I think it’s best for me to quit arguing with you. You are sick sick sick
                    So until you can talk like a human being I’m gone, bye bye dmf

                    • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

                      You are one nut case, stump jumper. You make things up as you go and I have asked you questions about the issues in Jonesboro and have gotten no answer. I have asked you to list the lies that I have told and have gotten no answer. In fact, I have never gotten an answer from you on anything. You are all mouth and no brains. You repeat what you hear but don’t really understand what you are saying. Stump jumper, it’s milking time which for you comes out to be play time with the cows. HEE hAW!!! HEE HAW!!!

  9. Sary Palin Says:

    Donald Mark Fowler you should try gay conversion therapy which is very much approved by Mr. Oldman and Governor RIck Perry of Texas. They would make you understand you just made the wrong choice when you chose your orientation. They also had choices to make so there is hope for you to be normal. Perhaps you can stay with your distant cousin, Donald Fowler, while you are undergoing treatment in Texas. Wish you the best.

    • Donald Mark Fowler Says:

      Well, He could be my Daddy. After all , I am half white . My dad was white, from Jonesboro. But I never met him, and Mother never talked about him much.

  10. Donald Marion Fowler Says:

    Sary Palin, Donald Mark Fowler is no relation of mine. Perhaps he is that long, lost black brother your mother used to talk about. The man is not real. Just another of the anonymous jackasses that post on this blog., Sorry that you and the old man from Arizona lost in 2008 but look at it this way: basketball season (yea Spurs) is over and that mean lots of black meat you can sample. In 2008 you were an insignificant piece of doo doo and guess what – YOU STILL ARE.

    • Oldman Says:

      What do you have against Palin any way. She would have made a 10,000 times better President than the Black reject we have now,don’t you think?

      • Jim walker Says:

        I think you are right, Oldman!

        • anonymous Says:

          Oldman is right on ! He may not be as educated as Marion Fowler, but he’s light yrs. ahead on political ideology !

          • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

            To say that Oldman is “light yrs. ahead of me” in political acumen is like saying a turd has a brain and a fart is an idea worth acting upon. I ask of Oldman, what was operation Wide Receiver and what is 501(c4) of the tax code and who changed one word in it that makes it possible for liberals, conservatives, and tea baggers to get tax exempt status? As far as me being a bigot, for those who know me that’s absolutely laughable. As for Jonesboro’s water problem, here is my suggestion: (1) ascertain that the town has a factual record of all who are hooked up to the system and those that are not hooked up, Serve written noitce to those that are not hooked up that if they desire to be hooked to the town system that there will be a fee for being connected. (2) verify who is paying and who is not paying and those that are not paying are served with a written notice that they have X number of days to pay or lose water service. Not paying for a service is fraud. The biggest bigot on this blog and the one with the smallest brain is Oldman. I don’t believe that Sary Palin is a real person, just some dumb jackass trying to be funny.

            • Oldman Says:

              Fowler I’ve tried to be nice to you,but no you are still trying to act like a braying jackass. Do you still think that the Clinton Bitch is just a sweet little old lady that would do nothing wrong? Did you take a stupid pill or you brainwashed like a lot of other people? Smart people don’t just follow along,they make their own trails. Now where are you?

              • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

                Still haven’t answered a single question that I have put to you so who is showing their stupidity? What was operation Wide Receiver and what is the purpose of 501(c4) of the tax code and who changed just one little word in it so that liberals, conservative, republicans, and tea baggers could qualify for tax exempt status? Show us how smart you are by answering them. A world history question for you: what body of water separates Benghazi and Tripoli? You hear what someone else says and you repeat it as gospel. You need to quit reading Captain Marvel and choose something more enlightening. Otherwise, You took the stupid pill and had you been in Jonestown, you would have drunk the kool aid. You make no trails; you just follow along like a dumb jackass. HEE HAW! HEE HAW!!!!!!!

            • John Boy Says:

              d m fowler you need to stay out of Jonesboro’s business ,it’s something you know nothing about. It’s way over your head.

              • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

                John Boy, let’s see: the district attorney may be guilty of taking money to remove a court docket that has kept the simmons woman from facing the court on a perjury charge; a councilman could be charged with facilitating a rape in his home in addition to the other charges that he faces; the simmons husband apparently has screwed up a land deal and now wants to sell the land back to Jonesboro (might be the reason for the missing court docket); the mill has been on shut down for about a week now; Ruston has better places to eat (and Landry’s puts the Catfish Inn to shame). Would you care to comment on any of that? I have tried to get Oldman to answer questions about Jonesboro but he (a 9th grade drop-out) chooses to ignore anything that I ask, probably because he is too stupid to understand the questons.. His agenda is to try and attack my character. As you can see, I am well up on what’s going on in Jonesboro and the fact is that the citizens (and certainly the Jackson [Jeffries] Independent don’s appear to give a rat’s rectal region about the issues. I used to stand for Renee but after talking to 27 citizens on my last visit to Jonesboro, I have changed to Holder, if he runs. As you can see, I do know quite a bit about Jonesboro. If the aldermen succeed in getting Kenneth Folden removed, the town will go tot hell in a hand basket. Oh, by the way I still own land in Jonesboro and Jackson Parish so my interest is justified. Good talking to you

      • Sary Palin Says:

        Thanks Mr. Oldman. Since I like black basketball players that must mean you are not a bigot.

      • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

        Sorry, Oldman. As usual you got your facts wrong – she was on the 2008 John McCain ticket as the vice-presidential candidate. She was more responsible for McCain’s loss than was McCain. In interviews she couldn’t name foreign leaders or identify any newspapers or such that she read to keep up with current events, she came across as a complete air-head with the stupid comments that she made like she could see Russia from her front porch. I am not anti-woman but it is my belief that if she were not on the ticket and any male republican leader was in her place, McCain would have won. Just my educated guess. When Obama chose Biden as his running mate, some idiot advisor convinced McCain to put a woman on the ticket and go after the women’s votes. Didn’t work; the women went for Obama. The rest is history. You still haven’t answered any of my questions about the missing court docket or the simmons land deal, or the possibility that Cottonham could be charged with being an accessory to rape. WHEN IS THAT INFORMATION COMING? I read only two Jackson Independents while I was in Jonesboro and Chris Smith has no balls to go after the real stories: here are the front page headlines for the two issues I read: JONESBORO BOARD OF ALDERMEN COUNCIL DISTURBED WITH LAWS (very poorly written headline); JPSB TO PURCHASE KINDERGARTEN TABLES; HOMETOWN HERO: JEREMIAH COTTINGHAM; MCALLISTER ANNOUNCES DISTRICT OUTREACH SCHEDULE FOR JUNE; THEN THERE WAS A PICTURE OF THE JONESBORO STUDY GUILD. The next issue of the Independent had these headlines: JURY PASSES RESOLUTION IN SUPP9ORT OF HUNTING WITH DOGS (doesn’t mean darn thing because the owner of the land said no dogs and that’s that!); ARSON INVESTIGATION STILL UNDERWAY; CANE RIVER BAIT COMPANY FEATURED IN TRI-CENTENNIAL EXHIBIT AT LEMEE HOUSE; FIFTEEN LOUISIANA RESIDENTS SENTENCED AFTER FRAUDULENTLY RECEIVING DCFS BENEFITS (Not a one was from Jackson Parish). Then the paper had its usual overdose of the Jefferies (Doc isn’t even writing his columns; he is just copying from old issues of the Independent). Won’t mention Blanche Shows for I have a letter to the editor about her stupidity (which I bet ten dollar to a doughnut hole the master editor of the paper won’t print. In closing .HOW ABOUT THEM SPURS!!!!!!!

        • anonymous Says:

          No she did Not! The liberals are either too stupid or lack any decency when they claim she said it. Tina Fey, making FUN of Palin (what an adult thing to do) said this. But she did say Russia would annex Crimea ! I believe she nailed that one !

        • Oldman Says:

          Fowler,you should read Blanche Shows articles more often instead of just braying like a jackass acting like you know it all. At least she has some good sense about what she writes about but I guess that’s the liberalist democrat in you.
          You think you know it all but fellow you don’t know squat . Blanche will run circles around you in smartness.

          • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

            She couldn’t write a good article if her life depended on it. Reading her accounts of anything is akin to believing that pigs can fly. She writes for an audience that is limited in its knowledge of facts and current events. That’s you, old brainless one. If you think that she is sexy, you’ve had too many cows backing up to the stump HEE HAW!!! HEE HAW!!!

            Here is a current event question for you – should we use our air force against the Isis or put boots on the ground? Just in case you can’t figure out what I am talking about, it’s Iraq. HEE HAW!!! HEE HAW!!!

            Here is another current event question for you – did Bergdahl desert or is he some sort of hero? HEE HAW!!! HEE HAW!!!

            You won’t answer any question that I ask in fear of showing your friends what a frigging idiot you are. HEE HAW!!! HEE HAW!!!.

            • Oldman Says:

              She goes out of her way to be truthful,and you had druther tell a lie than have sex and eat turnip greens.Buddy if things don’t go your way,you’ll talk bad,throw a fit,tell people how smart you amond other things.You need to quit acting like a big cry baby,act like the man you say you are and then people just might show you some respect.Every body I’ve talked to have said you have been this way all your life.Started out as a big bully that had to have his way or he would throw a fit and you have not changed.One of your early classmates should have put his fist on your nose at a early age and then you might have made a good man,I think it’s too late now.A lot of people think you are up there with Bob Hope as you make them laught so much,nobody and I mean nobody takes you seriously,they just laught at you.Boy that must be a bad life to live.

              • Donald Mark Fowler Says:

                THAT’S the truth !

              • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

                Still can’t answer my simple questions. You are on this blog to stir up trouble, not to communicate meaningful thought about the subject matter at hand. You are so afraid to answer my questions that you probably piss in your pants from fear that your lack of knowledge will surface. Well, let me tell you something your garden of stupidity is at full bloom and all can see that you are just a prince of illiteracy showing his arse each and every time you open your mouth. Show us how smart you are by answering the questions that I have asked in past posts. You can’t for the answers are just rattling around in your empty head without a chance of being formed into a coherent sentence that the rest of us can understand. HEE HAW!!! HEE HAW!!! Maybe you can tell us which is your favorite cow, stump jumper.

            • Anonymous Says:

              In her article today mrs shows said barak ussein obama just lost the war we had won. DO WHAT???????? You got to be kidding mrs. shows.

              • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

                Blanche Shows uses the full name of the president (without the proper President before it) to tell the world of her contempt for the President and to stir up emotions that he is an Arab Islamic and supports jihadists. I applaud him for getting us out of Iraq and now keeping us out of a three-sided conflict that no matter what we do, we can’t win. She is bigoted person who does not like the fact that her president is black but doesn’t have the guts to come out and say it. He will go down in history and one of the least effective presidents ever simply because on day one of his administration the republicans met and vowed to block him at every turn and make him a one-term president. That’s really nice of them. We could go into Iraq and bomb the living crap out of Isis and get the sides to the table for meaningful discussions and as so as we leave the county, they go back to the 7th century and start this crap all over again. When we leave Afghanistan the same crap will happen. They are not ready for the 21st century. This is Bushit’s war bit President Barrack Obama gets the blame. Bushit and Cheney are considered war criminals by many countries and are afraid to leave the USA because they will be arrested and tried.

            • Anonymous Says:

              sorry I misspelled hussein . She loves to emphasize that name in her rants.

        • Oldman Says:

          and so sexy too

          • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

            Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. And you are allegedly a family values man and here your are lusting after someone other than your wife.

      • anonymous Says:

        I agree, Donald Marion Fowler , get’s his news from MSNBC, Saturday Night Live, and Jon Stewart ! Very misinformed individual !

        • Sary Palin Says:

          I get all my news from blanche shows. With my reality shows and bus tours, I must get news as it happens and not depend on someone simply retreading fox news. That liberal O`Reily messed my pundit job up by trying to force me to actually answer a question. “certainly not like obama ” should be enough an answer without going into boring details. You bet`cha. wink wink

        • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

          Don’t watch Jon Stewart; never in all of my days have I watched an episode of SNL; and I watch CBS, NBC, ABC, and MNBC. For amusement I do watch fixed news for a few minutes about once a month. Sary Palin, if you get your news from Blanche Shows, tell me what is “Wide Receiver” and “501(c4)”?

  11. Oldman Says:

    Fox news this morning,Benghazi mastermind was in USA control and will be brought to trial.The stupid administration will read him his Miranda rights,speedy trial in 70days,that could go on for years,and get this, the govt.will appoint him a public defender with no cost. He should be put in Cuba with the rest of his kind and treated just like he treated our people,put to death comes to mind. This has something to do with the Bitch and her running for President. They are trying to make this look like a civil matter instead of being a enemy combatant and then the Bitch won’t look so bad.She will jump up and down saying she had something to do with having him picked up. The Bitch and obuma knew all along where he was and waited until now to bring it up ,just wait there will be more things brought up between now and 2016. I hope her famous saying (what difference now does it make) comes back to bite her in the butt,that would be funny won’t it?

    • Sary Palin Says:

      Good thinking!! Has the sure nuff signs of another conspiracy. Congress needs to investigate the matter. If these conspiracy matters keep coming up, the congress won`t have to deal with the real problems in America.

    • Sary Palin Says:

      P.S. I am sure our favorite award winning writer will thoroughly cover the conspiracy in her next article.

  12. Anonymous Says:

    The friendship has gone awry again. They said it wouldn`t last. Kind of boring any way.

    • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

      Never said he was a friend. I refuse to stoop that low and associate with the lesser minds of the world. I said that I would stop using so much profanity and I have stopped with what he calls “nasty words.” I’ll be back in Jonesboro in late August or early September (I have to be back in San Antonio for a medical appointment with my dermatologist on the 18th of September). Please, don’t ever refer to Oldman and me as friends. He will show is family values when he votes for the kissing candidate (McAllister) and the whore getter (Vitter). Mark my word.

  13. Donald Marion Fowler Says:

    John Boy must be Oldman because he won’t answer any of my questions either. ESAD!

    • John Boy Says:

      d m fowler,your not messing with the oldman here,why don’t you shut up and go were little boys go when it gets dark.I have been keeping up with your dumb ass remarks for a while now and we are getting tired of your remarks about oldman,the council,the sheriff,the newspaper,renee and a host of other things.We don’t like you being out of state coming in here and telling us how to run our town,understand? You are the trouble maker here,for your own good shut the f— -p.this is not a treat it’s a promise,it’s a good forum,don’t mess it up.Remember what I said

      • Anonymous Says:

        Go to bed old timer.

        • Oldman Says:

          I’m going ,I thought I’d stay up a little longer and see John Boy and mr. Fowler tie up.I got somebody on my side now.good nite

      • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

        I still think that you and Oldman are one and the same. I haven’t made a comment about your sheriff or Renee. You sound just like Oldman when you say “this is not a treat it’s a promise.” The word should have been “threat.” Oldman is a fool and dumb one at that. He couldn’t discuss intelligently anything that is brought up on this blog and he is certainly incapable of answering simple questions about Jonesboro. I will remind you once again that I own land in Jonesboro and Jackson Parish and I will continue to express myself about issues in Jonesboro. That’s not a “treat” (threat), that’s a promise. And may I remind you of the United States Constitution and it’s First Amendment. I challenge you to show where I have been a trouble maker on this blog. Calling Oldman stupid is just a fact that can not be ignored nor will I cease doing it when he posts his inane blogs. Got that, Johnny Boy? And to call the Jackson Independent a newspaper is wrong when all it has in it are advertisement and a few columns by Raymond and Betty and Blanche. See ya.

      • Donald Marion Fowler Says:

        I asked you to show me where I have been a trouble maker and I have received no response. Fifteen times I replied to Oldman’s inane comments and you ought to read his comments to which I replied before you make threats against me. If you are half the person that you think you are, you will use your real name on your post and take responsibility for what you say but your manhood won’t let you. Hide and comment just like all of the anonymous’. I use my real name because I am dying of cancer and don’t give a rat’s rectal area what people think. I speak my mind and I don’t lie. Defend Oldman if you wish; he needs it for he is so freaking stupid. I was born and raised in Hodge and Jonesboro and when I retired I returned to Jonesboro for about ten years but even then I could see how Jonesboro was going down hill so I moved to San Antonio (mainly because I have relatives here and secondly, because Texas does not have an state income tax) and today I still own land in Jonesboro and Jackson Parish so I still have an interest there and will continue to express myself about what goes on in that little town of less than 5,000. For now, adios, Jonny Boy.

  14. Oldman Says:

    Any town news? At one money was supposed to be put back for maintenance of the high tank.This money was supposed to come from water revenues for the upkeep and maintenance ,then when it was needed the town would not have to borrow,the money would be there.

  15. Oldman Says:

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get Bea Rice to run for mayor?

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